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Writing (and dropping the ball on a subject)

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I put off working on writing the last few years, having him do some here, some there. He hates it. And he's difficult with the best of things, so this is even harder. He's now in 10th and still only writing a paragraph at a time for the most part. He is working this week on a 5 paragraph essay. We are using The Power in Your Hands this year, and I am wondering if it is too slow and if we need to be doing more. He COULD be doing more, I feel. I feel like I need to challenge him more, as he thinks the assignments are silly. But at the same time, I don't know how to do that. He's a pretty good writer, actually, when I get him to do it. But he has never written anything longer than 5 paragraphs, and I just don't know what to do with him. He's great on input, output is a whole other story. 


Any thoughts? Programs? Something? I was trying to stay sort of secular but at this point I'm desperate and don't care what worldview anymore. 



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What about using Write at Home's per paper service to supplement the Power in Your Hands?. Choose a few papers to work through with a writing coach and get him thorough feedback on those assignments. I don't think it is about writing curriculum, but rather about getting students feedback on what they are doing that improves writing most.

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Sounds like maybe outsourcing writing might be good for you both - take some of the stress off of you, present him with some high expectations from someone other than mom, and benefit your relationship. Is this an option?


Moneywise, not really. A one time cost I can do, for curriculum, but not sure an ongoing tuition will work with the budget. I'm already outsourcing Latin at $50 a month. Also, he has scholarship funds that will pay for curriculum, but won't pay for outside classes (dumb, but that's how it is). Any tutoring has to be from a teacher certified in the State of Florida. 


I feel comfortable giving him feedback, it's how much and what to have him writing that I'm unsure on. 

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Have you listened to SWB's High School Writing lecture? If I recall correctly, she suggests a couple of papers a week, and a longer research paper once a semester.  It's one take on how much is the right amount, at least.  She goes through it in a pretty detailed way - both how much writing to expect, and how to find topics to write about in history, science, and literature.

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What are you using for literature? Is it something that includes writing? Excellence in Lit has great writing prompts and we liked the amount of writing included. Two papers a week would have been too heavy here, although ds worked up to 3 essays/week in AP English.

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If he's a fine writer (clean, has voice, organized, etc.), maybe the issue is he need a *purpose*?  Get him into some writing contests (fan fiction, non-fiction, whatever) or try National History Day.  NHD is a STELLAR program, and with it he'd have a purpose and audience.   :)


PS. Have you thought about DE for next year?  Gets you over the whole no point, no purpose issue.

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We're using sonlight 430 for lit, so no writing associated with it. 


Writing contests is actually really really good idea. When he had to write an essay to apply to a local program he did well. A contest would be a similar idea. 


And yes, he will do dual enrollment for English at some point, probably next year. I just need to get him up to speed for that. 

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I know you said you don't have a budget for an online class... but I will say that a class is making all the difference for my capable-but-reluctant writer.  Submitting assignments to an outside teacher and seeing the type of work that other students in her class are doing has really helped her up her game.  Maybe there are inexpensive options available?  Have you checked places like homeschool connections (catholic but some lower priced options) or currclick?





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I may need to do that, just find the money and enroll him in a course. It chaps my hide a bit...I always did so well with writing assignments, and heck, I'm now a paid author, lol! This is one thing I shouldn't have to outsource! 


But, sometimes I know that things that come easily are the hardest to teach, and maybe that's the case here. It's also the most subjective, which means himtrying to get away with whatever he can get away with. He won't do that with an outside teacher. 


So...looking at classes...if he can get into Seton late that is $185 for the whole year I think. Not bad at all. 



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