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What to do for science?

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I am hoping for ideas here. I sent my children to a person's house for science. But, this year, the person was not teaching it anymore. I need something more independent. I am also looking in to other outsourcing ideas, but it would be great if we could go independent. I was planning on Apologia. But, I am hoping to hear other good, workable options.

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My child is 14 and in 8th grade so I don't need this until next year. However, I would like to get a start on it maybe after Christmas, so I have some time, but don't want to wait a long time. I had planned to do Apologia. The person who taught my children used something called God's Design I think. She added a lot to the program and did a great job. But for high school, her children use Landry so she stopped teaching. I cannot really afford Landry. And I do not think my children would like an online class at all. We tried to use ck12.org this year, but it did not go over well at all. They hated it. It left me wondering if it is their skill level in science or the fact that the books were online, or if it was work ethic. They say they want to go back to using a real book and such. "They" is referring to both my children. The younger one is a few years away from middle school.


I need them to have life science, but biology is good too. Physics and chemistry. I would not mind an IPC type course. However, they are both college bound and I had hoped to inspire an interest in the sciences. So far, they have none. I am worried this is because I have not done a good enough job. Right now, they love languages, history, art, that sort of thing. For math, since I know what level you are at in math affects what you can do for science, the 11 yr old is doing Singapore Math and the 14 yr old is doing Jurgenson's Geometry. He completed Forester's Algebra. 

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If you want to use Apologia, I'd look at the Virtual Homeschool Group's free at your own pace classes here:




They use Apologia and have recorded lectures, quizzes and tests online.


If you do want to try Landry, check out their specials. I have bought generic semesters for about $75 each during their Black Friday and Christmas sales. Usually you have to buy at least several classes in a package in order to get the special price but they offer a wide selection of classes. I was very pleased with the Pre-Chem class and the Online Chemistry is going well too. They send you a complete lab kit included in the price of the class so their science classes are a real bargain. Mr. Leingang is a good online teacher. He's encouraging and always finds helpful videos to post to help with homework. The class moves at a quick pace and they get a lot accomplished. (He also looks suspiciously like Walter White according to Trinqueta).

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