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I think I'm making some progress with the counselor stuff.

Sebastian (a lady)

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I feel like I've been something of a downer on several threads this week, so I wanted to post some of the good stuff that is happening.


I finished transcript, school profile and course descriptions for my senior.  I've packaged two sets to mail out to his top colleges.  Another one has been sent electronically to a big scholarship program.  I've already uploaded the school profile to Common Application and am almost set to upload the transcript and descriptions (I need make them into separate pdfs so they are small enough to upload.)


DS has taken two of the fitness tests he needs for three scholarships/service academies.  He maxed three of the events on the one he took today.


This is finally starting to feel like a set of tasks with a finite end that is achievable, rather than an endless treadmill of more stuff.


And the bonus is that ds2 did so many of the same courses that his documentation will be a breeze because it is half done already.


I hope everyone else is not only treading water but making headway.

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Great job!  I wish I could say the same.  I finally got the course descriptions done.  Finalizing the transcript is next.  I hit a mental brick wall after I finished the course descriptions and began thinking about the dreaded counselor letter.  Just the little details were driving me nuts, as you probably noticed on the Common App thread.  I think I was just overwhelmed as I got started with all this, and realizing I'm way behind, that I should have started earlier.  Now that I've got a significant chunk of work done, I feel better.  And I think I finally know what I want to say in the counselor letter.  Now to actually write it.


I still feel like I'm treading water, but at least I'm not drowning!


Nancy in NH

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Thank you for those flashes of light from the end of the tunnel!  I'm making progress with rough drafts of the counselor questions, but I need to recompile that into the school profile.  My guys have other things to do today, so I hope I have those done for them to preview tonight.  And maybe even get my letter started, and work on the course descriptions, and update the transcript....  We have an EA deadline of 10/15, so it's time for last minute frenzy to kick in.

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One thought about the order of completing things.  You can't get to the Counselor Recommendation on the Common App until you submit the school profile and the transcript documents.  


There was a certain amount of needing to think about everything I was writing and everything ds was writing to ensure that we didn't over-duplicate or miss things.  But there was also a moment when I had to decide that my word choice between "happy" and "glad" was not going to be the detail that ensured or sunk and particular application.  

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I forgot to mention that I also have a private school that has already confirmed all four seats for AP exams we need this year -- including AP Latin.


This is the only school I've found in the state that offers AP Latin.  I'm overjoyed that they were so sweet and accommodating.

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I forgot to mention that I also have a private school that has already confirmed all four seats for AP exams we need this year -- including AP Latin.


This is the only school I've found in the state that offers AP Latin.  I'm overjoyed that they were so sweet and accommodating.


Awesome! I know what a coup that is!

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One thought about the order of completing things.  You can't get to the Counselor Recommendation on the Common App until you submit the school profile and the transcript documents.  


There was a certain amount of needing to think about everything I was writing and everything ds was writing to ensure that we didn't over-duplicate or miss things.  But there was also a moment when I had to decide that my word choice between "happy" and "glad" was not going to be the detail that ensured or sunk and particular application.


At this moment, seven straight hours into the Common App today, I really needed to be reminded of that  :lol:

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Oh, go take a walk.  Staring at this stuff too long will make you crazy.


Yep, crazy time here!  Dh was with me at a coffee shop and proof-reading and making suggestions.  We came home because he had real work to do and I'm completely shot.  I'll start back in the morning.  We've got the school profile and the homeschool supplement questions done.  


I'm redoing the counselor letter in the morning, and then I'll just have the updates to the transcript and course descriptions.  The number one best thing about senior year dual enrollment is that I already have three years of that done!

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