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Thoughts on Queens?


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I would love some feedback on Queens Homechool. I'm intrigued by it and am considering it for my 4th grader since we have struggled to land on anything we really like. I'm reading mixed reviews about Queens though some saying that it's not a full curriculum and too simple and light. I would like to hear opinions of anyone else who's tried it. TIA.

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They used to sell or still do sell "A Living History of Our World" curriculum series.  The author has her own site here: http://jellybeanjar.org/shop/ She also has written a math curriculum.  I would recommend the history series, as you can keep it as is, or add whatever you want to it.  It is very gentle, but I like that.  Isn't the statistic that people only retain 10% of what they've learned?  Why fill them up with so much that they can't remember much of anything?  Use the curriculum, don't let it use you!

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Agreeing with Vida. I was highly disappointed when I ordered one of the Language Lessons and all of the back sides of the pages were blank. That would have not bothered me if they weren't counted in the number they advertise. If you say 70 pages, I expect at least 60 to include usable material. I like short lessons, but these were like a puff.  That aside, I like it otherwise, but I no longer use it.


I do like their nature science books, but they are very expensive and you have NO permission to copy the pages that are to be worked even for your own kids. So at $40 a pop, a family with 4 kids could spend $160 just on nature study lessons! Or you could do like I am and have your child make their own notebook from the lessons in the text. 


I do use, and both my dd and I love, Math Lessons for a Living Education which Queens no longer publishes (as stated above by ecc). If I didn't already have history I was happy with I would be tempted by Angela's history as well. As mentioned again, no longer being published by Queens. see jellybeanjar

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I only have one experience with their materials. I ordered a copywork book one year when my dd was in Junior High (Our Beautiful America). I really liked the selections, and thought it was a great complement to learning about the US. However, we found numerous errors in punctuation, as well as typos. It became a good grammar review as well, because my daughter learned to look for errors and ask me about them. 

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I really liked their language lessons because it was enough for my son who hates writing. I enjoyed the tone and everything else. They are somewhat highly priced

I like their living science books as well but I made copies for my own kids anyway. Also loved Angela O'Dell's history and math books (already linked above)


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We have used some of her language books a few years ago. My thoughts are a bit undecided at the moment. We obviously stopped using them. 


I feel they are very light. There is about a week where all you do it copy a poem. They are really beautiful books, but not much to them. For someone who wanted an easy to use grammar book, that takes about 5 minutes a day, it might work for them.


There are better, cheaper options out there, imo.

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