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Holy Shmoley a Wii

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I have been visiting with a couple of LDS missionaries every week for about 6 weeks now. Today one of them called me to ask if we had a Wii. When I said no, he asked if I wanted one. They were given one to donate to a family who didn't have one and would appreciate it and they chose us. They are stopping by either later tonight or tomorrow to drop it off. The kids are off the wall excited, and I have to admit I am pretty stoked. This is one thing I could not afford to buy the kids no matter how much they asked for it and now we are being blessed with one. I just had to share the news before I burst :)


SO what do I need to get at extras for it? What games are you favorites?

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Congrats on your new toy! We love ours!


We like Super Mario Galaxy and Mario Kart. Wii sports is also a lot of fun and I've actually lost weight playing it.

I am supposed to get a Wii Fit, but our stores are still out of them. *pout*

Also, I'm totally excited about Animal Crossing that's coming out in November. We had it on the Game Cube and it was such a cute, relaxing game.


As for accessories, I don't know if yours comes with a charger for the remotes, but we have one and I think that is a "must have". Other than that...I can't think of anything you really need except maybe 2 wii motes and nunchuks to play against someone else.

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Congrats on your new toy! We love ours!


We like Super Mario Galaxy and Mario Kart. Wii sports is also a lot of fun and I've actually lost weight playing it.

I am supposed to get a Wii Fit, but our stores are still out of them. *pout*

Also, I'm totally excited about Animal Crossing that's coming out in November. We had it on the Game Cube and it was such a cute, relaxing game.




You can use your Gamecube games on your Wii. You just need your Gamecube controllers for it. My kids love Animal Crossing.

Also, I used this site to find my Wii Fit- http://wiialerts.com/

I have only used the Wii Fit once but my kids love it.

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close friends of the family sent a Wii to my son who turns 15 on Saturday. though i'm not a big fan of video games, i had suggested a Wii because it is interactive, physically active, and it was something in his world that we could do together. (i can't do any of the games that involve those complicated controllers and his racing games make me dizzy!)


he's totatlly thrilled with it and i'm certainly willing to get up in the Wii hours of the morning if there's a Black Friday deal on Wii Fit come November!

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Woohoo!! My boys love their Wii!!!


I'd get enough controllers for each child (I believe the game only comes with 1 controller, but I'm not sure about that!). We have four controllers because there are four playing ports.


Stock up on AA batteries, too! Because that's what the controllers use.


Their favorite games are Wii Sports, Mario Kart, and Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga.


I'm sure your kids will have a blast playing it!! :)

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