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What do you use for independent Lang and math?

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^^^these are my thoughts with my son who will be in 1st next year. He's in k this year.


Ideally I want to prioritize that year---

Teaching my 1st grader math & Lang for an hour a day

Doing core with both kids together for maybe 1-2 hrs a day

Having my 4th grader do about 2 hrs independent work

Check ins with math and Lang with 4th grader but not super mom intense (maybe 30 min a day).


I know it's going to be quite the ride for a year or two. Just trying to picture how we can still hit what we need with my kids homeschool / academics wise.

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I really liked using Climbing to Good English for my kids when I needed them to do more independent work.  Math Mammoth and CLE are good semi-independent options for math.  My littles also did a lot on more.starfall.com.  A couple of my kids did independent phonics practice on readingbear.org.  If you get a free account you can keep track of which presentations they've watched.   

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My dd10 has been independent in CLE math and R&S grammar since third. We go over new material every few days and as needed when she has questions/struggles, but mostly she reads the lesson and does the exercises on her own.


Not sure she would have been able to do that in first, but she was in ps then.

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Just throwing a thought out there, though it's not what you said you were thinking.  Go for semi-independent for skill work (say CLE for math and LA) and more independent for "core."  For example, Veritas Self-Paced could be independent history.  Let your older one be the one who reads anything needed on the screen, controls mouse and keyboard while your 1st grade sits in on it and watches it with her.  For science, Shepherd Science has an introductory science with a short video and activity pages (two levels available).  I haven't used it, so I don't know how independent it would be in practice, but looks like it might work well.  Look for other options to - audio cds for poetry, music.  Jim Weiss cds for lots of various stories, myths, tales, books.  Also make use of educational apps. 


(Eta:  If you prefer secular materials, CLE, VPSP and Shepherd Science may not work for you.)

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We are using ELTL for language arts.  I have it broken up throughout the week so the workload isn't much on my part.  There are 3 lessons per child per week, but I split it up over 5 days so we do a bit each day.  So far it's working well for us.  My oldest two do most of it on their own and we overlap their lessons so they all work on copywork/dictation/poetry/grammar/etc. at the same time.  It's been the easiest LA program for me to implement.  I do need to be there keeping them on track, but I can (usually) manage that while keeping track of my toddler.  My 3rd grader takes a bit more time to work with, but many moms use Librivox instead of reading the books aloud to the younger ages which saves them a bit of teaching time.


For math, MUS has been the easiest...My DC watch the videos (sometimes with me if it's a new concept for me), then do the worksheets on their own.  I'm there if they need help with the problems and I also "grade" their work as soon as they finish.   My K/1st grader is using techniques from SCM's Mathematics DVD/book and it only takes 5-10 minutes per day, but I do spend time one-on-one with her.  We also spend 10-15 minutes on phonics.  For phonics, we mostly use McGuffey Readers and build words with reading rods or letter "tiles" (our tiles are printed on cardstock).  


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