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Personality Change


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I don't think people usually change the major aspects of their personalities unless there is a major upheaval. However, I DO think that as we age our "shadow characteristics" (can't think of the real word for this) can become more developed simply because we've seen more of life. I'm an introvert but I've learned to enjoy company (just not ALL the time). 


Of course, there are always those people who go the other way and become caricatures of themselves as they age. :p

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I do think they can change with age for various reasons.  I know MY personality has changed a lot in the past few years.  My shift is partially due to some rather stressful life situations, and partially due to hormonal changes (I think).  I'm much more abrasive and less timid.  I find myself angry a lot more.  I don't always like how I've changed, but I very much feel like a different person.  

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Extremely stressful/traumatic events definitely cause major personality changes

I think slow change can also happen depending on many influences over the years, But, for sudden change, stress, trauma, or occasionally revelation can impact things quickly


Extrovert to introvert is one I have some experience with, I am now a very strange merge of both (I crave social contact, i NEED to be around people, but i find it very draining like an introvert does)

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Outward display of personality? Maybe, I've changed that. Inward. I'm still very similar to where I was at 17. My life experience has taught me to be less timid, how to act confident (even if I'm not), and to be less naive than I wanted. I probably display more introverted tendencies than I used to because of bad relationship experiences. I don't put myself out there for others like I used to. I'm more guarded and I think because I'm older (48) it doesn't bother like it would if I were 25. 

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Curious, do people change their personalities? Specifically can an extrovert become an introvert? If yes, how? What causes a shift? Can an overly stressful season of life?


I think I've changed. Maybe. ;)


Just speaking for myself, I think what is perceived as a change might really be a person simply becoming more comfotable with who they really are.  I always thought of myself as an introvert, because I was an only child with few social outlets, parents who had no friends, very little family nearby, and being quiet was valued above all else.


Now I realize that I actually CRAVE being around people, I can;t be busy enough, I'm so heartbroken that I still have very little family nearby, and I absolutely LOVE it when the kids ghave friends over- I LOVE the crowds!

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