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Hair loss and breastfeeding?


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I am nursing my 11 month old. About 3 months after she was born I started losing a lot of hair. I read that that can be normal, so I didn't worry about it too much. However, it hasn't slowed down and I feel it's becoming noticeable. I'm only 32 so I'm not going through menopause or anything like that (at least I don't think I am!). I've had one period since she was born, it was about 6 weeks ago and nothing since.


Anyone have any experience with this? If it will go back to normal when I stop breastfeeding then I can deal with it but could it be being caused by something else? This didn't happen with my other biological child but he was born 11 weeks early so I'm not sure it can be compared.

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I am nursing my 11 month old. About 3 months after she was born I started losing a lot of hair. I read that that can be normal, so I didn't worry about it too much. However, it hasn't slowed down and I feel it's becoming noticeable. I'm only 32 so I'm not going through menopause or anything like that (at least I don't think I am!). I've had one period since she was born, it was about 6 weeks ago and nothing since.


Anyone have any experience with this? If it will go back to normal when I stop breastfeeding then I can deal with it but could it be being caused by something else? This didn't happen with my other biological child but he was born 11 weeks early so I'm not sure it can be compared.

I am having this same problem. My baby is almost 5 months.

Serious hair loss, definitely becoming noticable. My OB is having me come in next week for bloodwork. He said some people lose more than others, but that it should slow down. Mine is not, and you can definitely see scalp, especially around my face:(

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I would go to the doctor if you can.


A lot of women grow more hair than normal while pregnant, and then start losing it after they baby is born (or visa-versa). And things like this don't usually tend to hold true through all pregnancies. But eleven months old would be worrisome to me just because the hair loss is not tapering off.


Too, are you eating a really robust diet to replace the nutrients you're losing while breastfeeding?


But in general, untimely hair loss can be a canary in the coal min, so to speak.

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Thank you ladies! I also have very dry skin (which I chalked up to breastfeeding) and feel tired all the time (which I generally chalk up to having 6 kids including a baby who still won't sleep through the night). Otherwise I don't have any of the other symptoms. I will get my levels checked though, it certainly doesn't hurt to do that.


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