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looking for some input on biology

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This is actually NOT homeschool related. My youngest will be graduating from homeschool at the end of this year.


I am now a special education teacher at a charter school teaching all subjects to kids in 6th-10th grades.


I am looking for a good resource to use for high school biology for a student who has reading comprehension on about a 6th grade level and is a very slow reader. I also have to keep his written work to a minimum, but there has to be some level of written work every week. He is going to have to take the state end-of-course assessment in May.


I have been trying to adapt Holt Biology to work for him because that's what I used for my kids and I already owned it, but it isn't working. It might be okay if I had the teacher resources on the One-stop Planner, but that is over $100, even used. My charter school has no resources to buy more materials, so anything I buy is out of my pocket. That's fine, because then I get to keep it.


I would like a high school biology course that is written at a 6th grade reading level and has worksheets that go with it already. Any kind of resource for LOW-cost labs would be good too. We have very little equipment.


Any suggestions?

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If you have an ipad, Miller Levine's Biology ibook which cost $15 might work. The reading level isn't very high. You can ask him to write answers done on paper.


Holt Biology is on the wordy side for a slower reader.


We did biology labs under the parks outreach programs so it was free. Call and ask your state and national parks for any school outreach program because some do visit schools.

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Could you use an e-book with a text reading app?


For labs, I would a,so suggest looking at citizen science projects in your area. In my state, the wildlife resources agency needs volunteers, and you can do a lot of lab techniques by working on those projects, and then add the write up component at home. National and state parks, as Arcadia mentioned, are another possible source. Museums and zoos sometimes have lab opportunities as well for homeschoolers, although the price can be high. I've seen free and I've seen ridiculously priced.

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