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homeschooling in Mexico

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I homeschooled my oldest in Mexico for a year. Amira also homeschools in Mexico. I'm hopping a redeye tonight, but what would you like to know? I pretty much just did what I would have done in the U.S. There are plenty of ways to ship books, use online resources, etc.

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Jean my daughter is 10 and my son is 7, I tried to enroll them in the public school here but I was told I had to have a CURP which I don't have. The school isn't bilingual either and my kids know very little Spanish. I have done lots of research but can't get any response for my main question of... how do I report their progress? They are American and I would like to return there in a few years and not have to worry about them being accepted in the public school system if they must return to it.

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We've been homeschooling in Mexico for two years. If you are homeschooling here, you do not need to follow any US state's homeschooling laws or report progress to anyone in the US.  Public schools in the US will treat your children like any other homeschooler if you choose to send them to public school later. You are only responsible for following the laws in the place you are currently living.  If you want, you can keep your own records and testing, but it's really not necessary unless your children are in high school, and then it depends entirely on the high school.


I can't tell you what the homeschooling laws are in Mexico because I've never looked them up and no one in Mexico has ever asked us about how we are homeschooling.  It is rare for expats to have trouble with homeschooling except in a few countries. Just start homeschooling and you'll be fine.  There are lots of people here who can help you get started.  


I know it can be scary to feel like you're being forced into homeschooling without much chance to prepare, but you can do this if you need to.  It's often a significant challenge for children to attend public school in another country so I think it's a good idea to consider homeschooling.

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I am not in Mexico, but still not in the US. I have never worried about what will happen if we return to the US. I figure if we move to the states and want to send my kids to school, no one will be turning them away.


I keep very good records though. I keep attendance, photographs of projects and a sampling of their work. No one has ever asked to see any documentation, and they are just clogging up my closet, but still I feel better knowing that I have proof of their hard work. 


If you are uncomfortable not being more documented, there are complete programs that you can purchase that will send you boxed curricula, give you access to a teacher, and even keep records for you. They tend to be expensive and don't allow too much for individual strengths and weaknesses but still I think can be very good. 


If you haven't read the Well Trained Mind, I highly recommend it. 



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