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Any first day of school routines to share?


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We had an extended time off from school instead of schooling year round. We will be starting again tomorrow (just review and fun stuff). Any great first day of school routines you'd like to share? i was thinking of goinf over our new school rules, maybe just playing games, and some light review and read alouds. On Tuesday we will do a field trip but I'm not sure where yet so that's already planned. :).

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Our first day of school routine is always to set up binders and notebooks. This is when all the heavy-duty crafty decoration goes on as well as putting sections into the binders.


Since we do school away from home often, DD also assembles the travel toolkit - pencils, sharpeners, extra paper, headphones and what not that stays in her book bag.

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Thanks! We took some pics, I did an interview with DS, we played a couple of games, and went over school/house rules. I said a few times, "remember that school won't usually be like this". Not too exciting but ok and relaxing. We will also do some guitar practice and go to the y for gymnastics. I may attempt bonus points for reading if I don't fall asleep first. 😴😀

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I set out a few small school-related gifts. We take pictures in front of the white board with her grade written on. I have a "first day" form that we've been filling out since preschool. We did the first one for my little one this year. Then we do some project. This year we just made zucchini bread. Not too exciting but the girls were happy. K and 1st we also went out that day to do a few fun things like ice cream and the park, but we didn't this year. We do very little, if any, academic work on our first day of school!

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We do a lighter day.  We do an "all-about-me" page.  We try to make it fun and usually go out for donuts or some type of fun treat.  We usually go to a "not back to school day" but that doesn't always coincide with first day of our school (usually we do it with a group of homeschoolers around Labor Day).

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