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DC over Columbus Day -- bad idea?


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I was hoping to take dd to Washington, DC for a few days this fall, but the time that works best with our schedule happens to coincide with Columbus Day weekend. Bad idea?


We're hoping to do the usual tourist-y things: monuments, museums, Library of Congress, possibly the Capitol and White House if we can get tickets.


We will probably drive up Friday afternoon and leave early Wednesday morning, but that still only gives us one non-holiday weekday. I'm not sure if we can go any other time before spring, and she's been looking forward to it (we've already had to postpone once) -- but I hate to make the trip if we can't do what we want to do.

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Great idea. It's a good time to be here. The weather is usually pleasant. While it might have a slight uptick in visitors, it'll be empty compared to the late spring and summer season. Especially on the weekdays, it should be a breeze. You likely won't even have trouble getting Congress tickets at that time. It's been forever since I've done a WH tour... I know they can be tricky even at the best of times, but Congress isn't hard (though, honestly, the tour you get varies so much by guide that it's crazy). 

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Great time to be here! Lovely weather, low crowds... and a few of the Smithsonians stay open later than usual.


Do we really have a Columbus Day parade???


Contact your Senator or Representative and they can hook you up with tours of the Archives, Capitol, and request a White House tour. We got ours, but it was in February, and I requested ut 6 months out. You are most likely to get it on a weekday.


Pack ponchos, just in case.... we always try to go camping Columbus day weekend, and it always rains :-/

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So the museums and monuments and such won't be closed on Monday? The parade might be fun if we can catch some of it.


Our Senator's office was awesome about helping us schedule tours for our last trip (which we unexpectedly had to cancel). I need to get in touch with them again ASAP to reschedule.

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So the museums and monuments and such won't be closed on Monday? The parade might be fun if we can catch some of it.



Our Senator's office was awesome about helping us schedule tours for our last trip (which we unexpectedly had to cancel). I need to get in touch with them again ASAP to reschedule.

Nope. They only close on Thanksgiving, Christmas and maybe New Years.


The monuments/memorials don't really close...

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Do we really have a Columbus Day parade???


Yeah, I had the same thought!


The museums never close. Like... never. Columbus Day isn't even a holiday for DC kids, I don't think.


ETA: Apparently we have a parade that's over near Union Station... at least some years. I found very little about it. Really, not a huge thing here.

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My 13 yr old and I are visiting Washington DC this week and really enjoying it. It's neither as hot and humid nor as crowded as I expected it to be. We had a great time at the national gallery, the air and space museum, the "Newseum", and the Supreme Court. The archives, Fords theater, American history museum and Library of congress and American Art/portrait gallery were okay. The natural history museum wasn't for us... Too full of screamy kids running amok to see the exhibits. We'll go to the Capitol tour tomorrow. The White House is closed for renovation.

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