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Never mind!  Didn't realize that the link I received was a gimmick. I'm so sorry! 


Great Courses has a free beta program going on through the end of September for a video subscription service they'll be launching "featuring nearly 5,000 lectures from their library of courses."  You have to enter a credit card number to get access, but when the beta period is over, your subscription will apparently be cancelled and you are not obligated to sign up.


I signed up and it looks like you get free access to a ton of their lectures, but only through the end of September.  I can finally check out a bunch of individual lectures that I've been interested in!



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While that's cool it kind of sucks that access is based on how many people you get to sign up, I hate when they do that stuff. 


ETA: My post was in no way intended to be negatively directed at OP.  When I tried to sign up GC said I'm #320 in line but could move up if I got 5 people to sign up using a special code.  I didn't realize that the wait list didn't apply to everyone.  Sorry if the impression was different, I was just disappointed because I could definitely see spending money on the streaming service and I hate waiting. I very much appreciate OP posting link and will be checking my email daily to see if I get moved up the list. 

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Your kid might be homeschooled if while reading over your shoulder he excitedly perks up "Great Courses PLUS!  FREE access to lectures!"




I was excited to find The World's Greatest Geological Wonders in the available lectures!!!  I've been wanting to see it forever, but I'm way down on the hold list for the one copy at our library and I don't want to buy it because I think I might only want a few of the lectures. I'm hoping the subscription service, once it's up and running, will let me pick and choose specific lectures, so I don't have to purchase the entire course or wait to get it from the library. How cool would that be!?

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I tried to sign up too and got the same message as previous poster that you had to refer 5 people to move up the line. Sounds like OP was lucky enough to get into the beta trial earlier. 


I absolutely refuse to participate in things that require me to refer folks to it so I wish I had known before clicking too! (Not OP's fault!)

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This is the response I got when I signed up via the OP link. Signing up did not gain me access. I'm waitlisted at #335.


"Thank you for your interest in The Great Courses Plus Beta.

We have received your Beta invitation request and have reserved a spot for you on the waiting list for Beta access.

You can move up the list and receive access even faster by inviting others to The Great Courses Plus Beta! Just give this link to your friends and you'll get referral credit:


The more friends you invite, the sooner you will get access!"


Not your fault. That's just how some companies do marketing, I guess.

Thanks for posting it, though. It looks like a nice opportunity and I hope I get a chance to try it. 😃

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I tried to sign up too and got the same message as previous poster that you had to refer 5 people to move up the line. Sounds like OP was lucky enough to get into the beta trial earlier. 


I absolutely refuse to participate in things that require me to refer folks to it so I wish I had known before clicking too! (Not OP's fault!)


I am so sorry.  I received the beta link, clicked, and got immediate free access, no strings attached. I assumed it was the same thing for the sharable link I received & posted.  There was NO mention anywhere about having to get a bunch more people signed up. I would never have posted it if I'd known.  I hate those "peddle our stuff to your friends and we'll give you this kickback" gimmicks. (All too common in the homeschool arena, I'm afraid.)  Ack!  How embarrassing!


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I was excited to find The World's Greatest Geological Wonders in the available lectures!!!  I've been wanting to see it forever, but I'm way down on the hold list for the one copy at our library and I don't want to buy it because I think I might only want a few of the lectures. I'm hoping the subscription service, once it's up and running, will let me pick and choose specific lectures, so I don't have to purchase the entire course or wait to get it from the library. How cool would that be!?


Currently, you can buy individual episodes/lectures of this series and several others from The Great Courses on Amazon's streaming video. Just FYI for others and in case a series you want isn't in the Plus beta.  :)


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About an hour ago, I registered for the beta test with no problems using the code LEARNOUTLOUD that I had received from a free resource list..  I did have to use a credit card to "prove" I'm a real person.  There's a limited number of videos, but there are some I wanted to watch and couldn't afford.  All's good.

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Currently, you can buy individual episodes/lectures of this series and several others from The Great Courses on Amazon's streaming video. Just FYI for others and in case a series you want isn't in the Plus beta.  :)



Wow! Didn't know this. Thanks for mentioning it!

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