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New Nature Study Program- Open and Go

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This is by Lynn of Raising Little Shoots (I think she is on here too but I don't know her user name- please pipe in)- I seen this posted on Sandbox to Socrates and wanted to share it here as well. It is organized by month with 4 different activities per month, 48 total. Each week has a topic of study and sketching for your nature journal and wonderfully it has great background info right in the book and references to the Handbook of Nature Study if you would like to read more. 


To add onto the study there are fiction and non-fiction recommendations listed with each week. Each week also has a poem and the title of a related art work. Ending each week is a list of extension activities which, from what I've read so far, are easy, accessible and worthwhile.


I actually already had a nature program that I was using this year but after reading this we will be adding it on as well. Well done Lynn! This book reminds me greatly of Barb McCoy's Nature Study but brings it up a level to make it even more accessible and full with the self-contained background info, recommended books, activities, poetry and art. This truly is a plan to get you started with studying nature, even if you've never done it or I think could be enjoyed by many that do have some experience but would enjoy ideas for deepening their study.


We've done nature study pretty much since we've started using various resources free and paid but this year I really wanted to bring another level to our nature studies but also keep it at a level that my k'er and 3rd grader can participate (even though I think it would be fabulous for those older as well). I think this program will be a great help to me, thanks Lynn! (my apologies for my writing this morning, I'm not fully awake but wanted to post this while I had time)


Exploring Nature with Children by Lynn Seddon

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Wow...I am reeling  :lol:


Thank you so very much for such a thoughtful & comprehensive review, Sorror. I wrote this book because I needed something open & go, that would really make nature study, picture study, and poetry happen regularly for us, so I thought I couldn't be the only one who needed this book!


I am really looking forward to hearing how you get on using Exploring Nature With Children.

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I am sure you can squeeze in a little nature study, Susan  :laugh:


The age range is broad; I have tried to make it as user friendly as possible for all families. It gives you the necessary scientific info for each week's nature theme, then the parent can present that info as they see fit to each individual child.


The extension activities included vary; venn diagrams, writing poetry, making models. I think that a child that is old enough to keep a nature journal would get the most out of it, but honestly, I wrote this book because I have been looking to buy something like this since my 12 yo was a toddler. I would have jumped at this book, even with a tiny, because it would equip me as a mum to talk with my child about nature, without having to go through a pile of different books first!


Here is a link to my blog. If you click on any of the blue links, it takes you to the page where you can buy the book. On that page is a preview page. Click on the preview & you can see the table of contents, plus a whole week's activities. It should give you a good idea of whether it would be a good fit for your family.


Thank you for your interest and question. Please do let me know if I can be of any more help.



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I just picked this up and it looks wonderful! We are planning to start it in September, but after reading through it I'm excited because it looks very doable. I love the idea of nature study, but always felt overwhelmed at what to look for each time, so I'm hoping this will help focus me.

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I just picked this up and it looks wonderful! We are planning to start it in September, but after reading through it I'm excited because it looks very doable. I love the idea of nature study, but always felt overwhelmed at what to look for each time, so I'm hoping this will help focus me.


Smashing. This is exactly what I hoped to achieve by writing Exploring Nature With Children.


Thanks so much for letting me know.

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