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Public Speaking curriculum or ideas?

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There are some classes locally, but all the classes conflict with our schedule.


So/ looking for some ideas... It doesn't have to be a formal curriculum. We want something that will help the kids with interviews, Q&A sessions, etc. they have Zero issues speaking publically, as long as they have a script or notes of some sort to guide them. I'm hoping to help them with those spur of the moment types of things (a QA session after a public presentation, for example... Or weird questions you are asked during a scholarship interview)... Thinking on your feet is not our strong suit and I am beginning to see some issues.


We will probably work through whatever we find as a family. :)


I did buy a set of Tabletop questions we are going to start using on the evenings we are all home together. :) But that's the only idea I have had so far.

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I teach speech at our local co op and I use the Secrets of Great Communicators course by Jeff Myers. It is outstanding! I have listened to the lectures so many times now and still find something to learn. I alternate them with the Standard Deviant's DVD which is fun and light-hearted but actually says many of the same things Jeff Myers does. I use them both so that the students hear the message twice. Obviously my students have to prepare lots of speeches and you would need to find a way to do "live" speeches. My own kids got practice through 4-H (plenty of it!) - as well as I made them do the class.


There are also oratorical contests like Optimist Club and Right to Life that give students a chance to practice their skills. My co op students get extra credit if they participate in contests.

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