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Accredited, non outrageously priced online Algebra 1

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Thank you guys. The free option is with the state in online PS - but - and this is a big but (not a big butt... I digress) to get credit and move on to Geometry the kid will then later (like, a year later) have to pass the final, and state test. My understanding is that the "pass" is also a really arbitrary number.


If the kid takes said class (they're in 8th grade but will likely enter PS in 9th) with an accredited school the hoop jumping requirement is void and the school system has to take the class grade.


Consequently, Mom is interested in an accredited option but doesn't want to spend a ton . This is a smart kid, picks up stuff easily, and they're diligent homeschoolers. Just wondering what y'all might recommend.


Thanks for the ideas!!

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Has the mom talked to the high school to see what it will take to transfer the credit. I know an accredited credit with transfer, but can the student sit in on the end of course exam at the end of this year and get credit without taking an accredited course? It opens up a lot more possibilities.


Here, even if they have had an accredited course, Algebra has an EOC exam required to get credit. Schools are generally welcoming to students who want to take that exam before entering, rather than at the end of the following year. The test is only offered once a year though, so I can understand how it would happen they would have to wait until the end of their first year in ps for the opportunity. I'd check on that.

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