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SWB Middle grades writing lecture

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I know, right? 


I really enjoyed listening to both SWB's and Julie Bogart's writing sessions in the WTM conference.  On the surface, their approaches to writing are so different, but there are some really strong common elements and hearing them from the two POVs really helped them sink in for me.  One recent epiphany is that it's true, essay writing - the form - is so easy and straightforward, you can teach it quickly. No problem.  The challenge is helping them develop the skills to think interesting, deep thoughts, and to know how to translate those interesting, deep thoughts into a well organized set of sentences and paragraphs.  And that just takes time, and lots and lots of reading and discussion and big, juicy conversations.  I used to think that SWB's progression was soooo sloooowwww and how can you have kids just do the same thing over and over for 3-4 years, progressing so incrementally? Now I think that part of the strategy is to just get kids to the point where they have something interesting to write down.  ;)

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I've read through all the writing sections of TWTM numerous times, but the audio lecture really filled in some of the gaps in my understanding of the process.  Plus, all of the extra information that finds its way into the conversation is so helpful.

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I am very technologically challenged. If it's an MP3, does that mean I am out of luck and can't listen to it on Mac?

No, .mp3 is just a format for audio files. Audio books, podcasts and music use the same format. I don't have specifics to offer, but if you get an.mp3 file on your computer, the computer may make a suggestion. Otherwise, turn to Google.

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I am very technologically challenged. If it's an MP3, does that mean I am out of luck and can't listen to it on Mac?


iTunes will play mp3s. That's actually what I use on my Windows PC, and to load mp3s onto all our Apple devices.

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