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Cursive -what to use?


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I was not planning to add any penmanship to our homeschool but have recently changed my mind. My boys are in 1st and 3rd. Both attended a private school last year where they taught A Beka cursive. I've decided I want to continue fine tuning their penmanship. But having spentlittke time researching it during my initial curriculum search I'm not sure what is out there and actually worth investing in. Looking to the experts for advice. Should I just continue with A Beka cursive books or is there something better out there? I can't spend much on it as I've already topped my budget but I don't want to create from scratch. I'm not sure if it would be confusing to switch as I understand there are various cursive styles. Thanks!

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We liked New American Cursive.  My daughter is left-handed so we were looking for something that looked nice but was not overly slanted. (We will use it again for our right-handed son when he is old enough, so its not only for LH).  She enjoyed the book, I liked that the binding was on the top so it didn't get in the way of her wrist.  Or you could just get the program if you have Windows and print your own stuff.  I would compare NAC with Abeka and see if the letters are different, and by how much. Depending on how far your boys got, it may save time just to stick with Abeka so they don't have to relearn anything.

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I just gave mine copywork with proper cursive written at the top of their page. If any letters or words were messy I erased them and had them try again. There are free copywork makers out there, or you can just write with your own hand.

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