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Does your 4th or 5th grader take breaks or work straight through?


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I've been trying to figure out a way to give my 4th and 5th grader a mid-morning break, but it doesn't seem to work if we still want to be finished with everything by 2PM. Of course, we don't get started until 9:30AM because we start our day out with a 20-30 minute walk around our neighborhood. I suppose we could get started at 9AM and take our walk mid-morning as our break, but I'm not sure taking a walk is what they want to do for a break. They love climbing the trees in our backyard.


I'd love to hear what others do.

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I don't officially give him a scheduled break. I have found that it is hard to pull him back into the "get to work" mindset when I have done that. He would be so jazzed and hype coming back that he wouldn't be able to settle down.


Now I do give five minute (or so) breaks here and there as I try to do schoolwork with DS5. DS5 is not on a schedule and only comes to do schoolwork when he feels ready, so when he finally says he is, then I have to jump on it. That is when DS10 might get a break, or go do some reading.


We usually start around 9-930 and try to be done by lunch 12:30ish, although that isn't always happening with this 5th grade load.



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We begin our school day at 7:30AM and work until 9AM. We then walk or ride around the neighborhood for 1/2 hour followed by 1/2 hour snack/read aloud time. School is resumed at 10:30 and we go until we break at 12:30 for lunch. Then the older 2 (5th and 6th grades) spend 2 more hours in the afternoon and we are done by 3:30. It does make our day longer, but it makes for happier people. It has become more important to me that they get exercise during the day, as it can be so easy to be couch potatoes!


As soon as our school day is done they spend another hour outside playing however they wish.

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We get up at 7, have breakfast and some of our "together" work, then walk the dogs at about 9 or 9:30. When we get back, at about 10, we all get a drink and a snack and listen to whatever audio book we are doing at the time. Then get back to work until lunch.

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With four boys I consider it vital to give them breaks. However, I've found that they don't have to be long. Often times 5-10 minutes is enough. They might swing, climb the tree, or work on a Lego or other project. The 8yo has more breaks than the 11yo, but he really needs it as he is just more active. On average, I'd say that the 8yo takes 3-4 short breaks and the 11yo 1-2.

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Of course, ds9's the kid who in Kindergarten question the need for breaks because "if we don't take them we'll get done quicker".


We work from 9-12, lunch from 12-12:30, and then quiet time/independent work from 12:30-1:30.


My 3rd grader and 1st grader don't really get breaks either. The first grader does somewhat, but they are directed breaks (ie, "go play with ds2 until I call you back in"). I've found that if I let them go do something of their choosing it takes a bit to get their focus back. They don't complain, they like knowing that at 1:30 they'll be done and free to do what they like.

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We start at 8:15, work until around 10 a.m., and then the kids take a 10-15 minute break. They usually have a snack or something to drink and go outside if it's nice out. Then we work until noon, take an hour for lunch, and work again from 1 until around 3 p.m., give or take a few minutes.


SBP :)

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Mine wants to finish! I may give him an unexpected break, often if I'm working with another child and he happens to be at a stopping point...or if he's been working diligently, and I want to reward him for that, I may say take 15-20 minutes and get a snack or drink, etc.


But we're usually finshed by lunchtime (which is around 1 o'clock) and he'd rather finish for the day than take breaks!

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