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Can you put up with one more transcript questions?

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Hi Everyone!


My daughter started a drawing class during her first semester of last year, however, she won't finish the class until this summer. 


Does it really matter where I listed it on her transcript? It looks more balanced if I list it for her first semester of last year which is what I'd liked to do. All her other coursework is accurately listed according to the semester and year she took the classes. Does this really matter?


Many thanks, once again!!  :001_smile:

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Choose something: All courses documented in the semester started, or all courses documented in the semester finished. State your choice in your school profile or on the transcript itself where the grading scale is.

You get to pick whatever rule works for you, but you need to be consistent within the transcript. Don't do one thing for 9th and another for 11th.

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We did classes by year, but there is no mention of semesters anywhere on my kids transcripts. 


I don't think it matters at all what semester you put it under, but I do agree you should be consistent. I don't think you get to pick and choose with each course, but rather you need to decide how you will place things on your transcript and stick with it.

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