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Passport question....

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My husband's extended family (mother, sisters, their husbands, and their children) are going on a cruise to the Bahamas in June and they will be taking two of our children with them (our daughter, who'll be 18, and our son, who'll be 9). My hubby and I and the two other children - who both have autism - won't be going ... we're going to take a vacation to the Outer Banks instead.


From what I've read at the State Department website, my children will both need passports.


This is a very silly question, so don't laugh, but...how do I go about getting a passport for my children? I don't have the first clue!!


Thanks in advance!

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No question is silly! Here is a link to explain what you need to do. http://travel.state.gov/passport/passport_1738.html


You go to your post office (or passport office, if you live near one) with ALL the required documentation, with money, with your children, and with your spouse. You stand in line, smile, stand in line some more. Then you get your turn. Several weeks later you will receive the passports. Then you do this again in 5 years. Oh, always CALL before you head out to the post office as they only accept applications during certain hours. Yes, call even though the web site gives you times...they aren't always up to date.


Hope you all have fun!

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First go to this website http://travel.state.gov/passport/passport_1738.html as it will tell you pretty much what you need to know. You can fill out and print the application form from there. Then you will need to get passport photos taken. You can get this done at most drug stores like CVS, Walgreens, etc. Take their official birth certificates, completed form and the photos to your post office (make sure it's one that does passports - most larger ones do). You will need to have both parents present for a minor as well as the children your getting passports for. Our PO required us to pay with cash or check, no credit cards. Ours came very fast, as in a couple of weeks.


Sounds like a fun trip for the kids!

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