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Scheduling 9th grade

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This upcoming year DD13 will be in grade 9. Her course load is as follows:


Algebra I & II (finish Algebra I, then into Algebra II)


Wars of Independence (history)




Language Skills (dyslexic, so this encompasses composition, reading comprehension and fluency, and possibly still spelling)

Economics (an "extra" that she wants)



Should I loop schedule the Language Skills specifics? Loop schedule the content subjects (bio, history, econ)?


I feel like if I shove everything into "every day", we'll be going more "breadth" than "depth" and that is NOT what I want. 

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Everything everyday does look like too much, I agree. My oldest does block scheduling and it works pretty well. Looking at your schedule, you could:


Semester Classes:

Daily: Math, Latin, Lit and Language Skills

Fall: History and Econ

Spring: Bio and Religion


OR you could loop it:

Daily: Math, Latin, Lit and Language Skills

M/W: History and Econ

T/Th: Bio and Religion

F: Finish up whatever didn't get finished


I would work on the language skills every day for a short period of time:

- Fluency - 5-10 min

- Reading comp - 1 passage/ch/whatever you're working on

- Spelling - Introduce lesson on Monday - 15-30 min? 5-10 min targeted practice T-Th, test F

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My 9th grader does a combination of everyday subjects and block subjects.


In the mornings M-Th he does morning time and history with the rest of us, then does his history supplements. Then he does math and spanish. After lunch he does either a block of chemistry (2x/week) or a block of health (1x/week) or business management (1x/week). Then he does literature/writing.


On Fridays he works on vocab and grammar and math in the morning, and then takes a weekly PE class at a private school. When we get home from that he finishes up whatever didn't get finished throughout the week, takes any necessary tests/quizzes, etc.

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I schedule each high school subject 4 days a week so that they are not doing everything every day. I try to balance each day to have a roughly equivalent amount of work and take extra curricular activities into account as well. We manage to complete the work expected each year so it works for us. 

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This upcoming year DD13 will be in grade 9. Her course load is as follows:


Algebra I & II (finish Algebra I, then into Algebra II)


Wars of Independence (history)




Language Skills (dyslexic, so this encompasses composition, reading comprehension and fluency, and possibly still spelling)

Economics (an "extra" that she wants)


8 classes is a lot to do everyday, although that is what our local high school does. We did some classes every day all year and some on a semester block schedule. If one of my kids had this course list it would look like this:


1st Semester

Algebra I/II

English (this would include both literature and language skills)


Biology (block)

Religion (block)


2nd Semester

Algebra I/II

English (this would include both literature and language skills)


history (block)

Economics (block)


This would give 5 classes per day, 3 that last all year (English, math and foreign language) and are done roughly 1 hour per day, and 2 that are done in one semester each roughly 2 hours/day, although Economics is typically only a half credit, so that might be 1 hr/day for 1 semester.

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I think you should decide how many credits she will be earning. That would help you decide the schedule, which classes might only be for a semester, and so on. 


I'm guessing that Algebra, history, biology, Latin, and "English" (combo of Literature and other skills) are each 1 credit classes that will take an hour per day, and the rest are electives. If Religion and Economics are both half-credit electives, you could do one in the fall and one in the spring to have 6 main classes.


For the English course, I usually did Lit for 30 minutes and composition for 30 minutes. I had a separate "tutoring time" a couple of times a week to discuss the reading and/or writing. We did about 15-20 minutes per day for remedial spelling in 9th grade in addition to the other time. If you have a specific program for reading comprehension and fluency, then you may want to make that more of a focus. I think you need to decide what's your "core" here--what's most important for you to focus on. (For example, I wanted to continue working on reading fluency, but not with a specific program--so we read Bible together daily and my kids each took turns reading aloud. That gave me opportunities to offer reading support in the context of our daily devotions, which we would do any way). 


You could also do things in units--for example, make comprehension/fluency and spelling something you do daily if these skills need work, spending about 20 minutes each, and then have 30 minutes to work on either composition or literature (in units, or alternating--as in read a book, write an essay, read a book..., or by semester). 


Choosing your priorities and what you really need to focus on to give her solid, foundational skills will dictate what way you go with this subject.




Algebra I & II (finish Algebra I, then into Algebra II)


Wars of Independence (history)




Language Skills (dyslexic, so this encompasses composition, reading comprehension and fluency, and possibly still spelling)

Economics (an "extra" that she wants)

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