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Joint pain after wasp sting?


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Yesterday I disrupted a wasp/hornet's nest that was inside our water hose holder, and I got stung on the forearm.  (Man! I forgot how much a sting hurts!)  Anyway, during the night and this morning, I've had terrible joint pain in my hand, wrist, and elbow.  


Dr. Google :001_rolleyes:  said that this is a not-as-common reaction, and could last a few days.  I've had bee and wasp stings before -- though not a ton -- and have never had this happen.


I'm feeling a bit wimpy because it HURTS.  :crying:

Anyone else have this sort of reaction to stings?  How long did it last?  


I took a Benedryl ...and I'll probably cave and take a pain reliever later if it still feels like this!

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I'm sorry about the sting. I can emphathize. ;-)


I havent had that kind of reaction, but my mom was just stung a few days ago (twice in her fingertips) and felt awful the next day. She felt like she had the flu- her body just ached. It only lasted a day for her so hopefully it is no longer than that for you.


Take care-

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