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Bible as Literature-looking for a curriculum ......

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I am thinking about using the Bible for the main book in a high school literature course but I would rather than re-create the wheel if I don't have to.  Does anyone know of a good, high school type curriculum that uses the Bible to teach literary elements and other things of the Bible? 



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A couple of older threads that might be of interest.


Just sharing a good article discussing secular Bible studies






Looking for a course that does Literature study from the Bible





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I took a literature course in college called Literature of the Bible.  Unfortunately, I can't find my textbook and I don't remember what it was called.  A quick amazon.com search brought up these two possibilities:







The Ryken text "might" be the one I used in my class.  It sort of looks familiar.


It was an excellent class -- half English majors and half Bible majors.  We helped each other out a great deal.


I was thinking about creating a class like this myself, but I don't have time.  Yet. :)

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We used "The Bible and Its Influence." I had my daughter read from the Tanakh, New Testament material from a Protestant Bible, and deuterocanonical material from a Roman Catholic Bible. We also listened to Dr. Amy-Jill Levine's Great Courses lectures, "The Old Testament" and "Great Figures of the New Testament."

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Do you know if this is suitable for a 5th and 8th grader?  I am looking for something exactly like this , but I am not sure it is suitable for kids below high school level.  Sorry for the off-topic, OP.

The Bible and its Influence does exactly what you want. I can't make a link right now; I hope you can find it with a google search.


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Do you know if this is suitable for a 5th and 8th grader? I am looking for something exactly like this , but I am not sure it is suitable for kids below high school level. Sorry for the off-topic, OP.

We used a chunk of it without the writing assignments in 8th grade. No problem. He could have managed many of the writing assignments, but we had other things needing attention.


The literary analysis would be too much for an AVERAGE 5th grader.

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Do you know if this is suitable for a 5th and 8th grader? I am looking for something exactly like this , but I am not sure it is suitable for kids below high school level. Sorry for the off-topic, OP.

We used it for the summer after 8th grade and had no issues, could have used the textbook earlier, but my daughter is also gifted in language skills, so that may make a difference. If I were doing it with younger children, I would probably not necessarily had her read the Bibles all the way through (well, all of the portions I mentioned above in the various Bibles), and listening to the Great Courses lectures along with it may not have worked.

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Just fyi, "The Bible and Its Influence" is secular and initially intended for use in public schools. We were very happy to find it neither devotional nor from a single theological perspective, so if one wants something more along those lines it would likely not be a good fit.

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Another great resource from Leland Ryken and his son is The Literary Study Bible.


This course sounds very appealing to me, and I'm enjoying seeing all the great resources. I'm just curious what you all would call it on a transcript.



Just fyi, "The Bible and Its Influence" is secular and initially intended for use in public schools. We were very happy to find it neither devotional nor from a single theological perspective, so if one wants something more along those lines it would likely not be a good fit.


One of the local public high schools used this book in a class called "The Bible as Literature." 

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