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Who's going to tackle Sunday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning.... Today would have been my daddy's' 67th birthday and I miss him so much

- go to mass to sell raffle tickets- done

- get dog food and groceries- done

- school work- math :( - completed lesson 1 of 3

- pay bills- done

- dishes

- tidy house

- laundry- in washer

- dinner- decided

- baths

- bedtime routine

- anything else I get done

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What I've already done: installed a new window AC unit. Enjoying the heavenly feeling of not sweating indoors at 10:00 in the morning. 


Missed morning church (but planning to take ds to his church this evening, so we'll go to that service.)


I do need to get bills paid, and maybe cook a meal, but I try to take Sundays as a day off. 



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Good morning! We went to Mass last night, so a totally free day here. Ds1 is teaching some privates this morning. Which is good, he needs the money. Dd1 has a a few last things to do. I have some administration type things. I am definitely going to start a quilt today. I have the hardest time getting started on projects.


The other kids have a goof-around day.

Have a wonderful day!

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I slept in this morning until about 11am.

Planning to do nothing but work all day.

Gave the girls their list of work for today.  Got them started on piano after a long break.

They begged me to go to a new Indian restaurant for late lunch, so I negotiated a deal with them.  ;)

I don't have any physical activity planned for today, so hopefully the kids will play outside and get nice and dirty and have a bath before bed.

I have decided that we aren't going to church during the summer, so we can have one morning per week when we don't stress about getting somewhere.

The official summer camps start tomorrow, so we need to get back on a real schedule.

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Today so far:



--walked to farmers' market for produce and meat (beef, pork ribs, scrapple for the week)

--went to Costco w dh; we impulse-purchased new luggage (I price-compared on amazon while standing in front of the display :lol:)

--planned meals for week

--wrote shopping list for the items we still need


Still to do:

--plan week

--do the rest of the shopping?

--make dinner


I hear thunder rumbling now!

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Hugs to all of you. I tear up in Mass on a regular basis thinking of my dad.


On a happy note, dd1 finished her finals, and dissection with ds2. That coupled with her (most likely) last ACT on Saturday means she is done with 11th grade! Ds2 is done as well. We are all on summer break.


Except ds1. His summer class starts tomorrow!

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Didn't complete all of my list but my math is done... I need a maid, or people who clean up after themselves 😡 I swear sometimes dd2 picks up after herself better than dh and dd1.... Hmm maybe I should go on strike but then again it would just pile up anyways. I understand dh is busy and he forgets like I do when dd2 needs to have something done but man it's gets tiring cleaning up after everyone.

Maybe I just need dh and the girls to go to dear inlaws next weekend for a day so I can get stuff done with minimal interruptions

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