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Simple meals using toaster oven/microwave?


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Dd10 has started fixing lunch for herself and ds, which is such a big help for me. Unfortunately, it means my kiddos are eating an awful lot of pb&j these days. I'm looking for simple recipes that are reasonably healthy and that dd can make using a toaster oven or microwave. She's not comfortable using the stove by herself yet, although we're going to work on that this summer.


Neither of them cares much for cold cuts on sandwiches. They are pretty good about adding fruit (usually apple slices or banana, or fruit cocktail) to their meals, but if we could figure a way to work in an occasional veggie, that would be great. They do sometimes make cheese toast, or little pizzas on English muffins, but I'd like to find some variety.


Any suggestions?

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Chicken salad -- canned chicken with a little bit of mayo.  The dc like it plain.  I like it with chopped nuts and sliced grapes added in.  So good on croissants.


Italian chicken pockets -- canned chicken, pepperoni, spaghetti sauce -- served in a pita -- mozzarella cheese on top.  Heated or not.  (This is one of our staples for when we lose power.)



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We like tuna melts or chx salad melts made in the toaster oven. My kids like them on english muffins and Dd likes them on thick slices of tomato.


Another lunch favorite here is a waffle and cream cheese. Reheat the frozen waffle (I make a large batch and freeze the extras) in the toaster oven. While it toasts, mix cinnamon sugar with cream cheese. Spread the cc on the waffle, top with chopped nuts if you like. We also like plain cc with jam on waffles or pancakes.


Hummus makes a good lunch, with raw veggies and some crackers.

My kids do cheese and crackers for lunch too. Two or three kinds of cheese and sometimes more than one type of cracker to keep it interesting.


Egg salad with bacon is good. My kids like it on whole wheat toast.

If you have bacon already cooked, BLTs are easy in the toaster oven. Add cheese to make them more substantial.


Nachos are easy in the microwave. Chips, cheese, refried beans or leftover taco meat. Add salsa, guac, sour cream, cilantro.


We don't eat lots of processed food, but we all like the Tasty Bites Madras Lentils. All real food ingredients. Pouches heat in microwave, top with sour cream and cilantro. Filling and yummy. We get these at Costco.


I always leave fresh fruit, washed and ready to eat in the fridge. Same with veggies. I prep some every few days. My kids go through bell peppers like you wouldn't believe! Summer is glory time for fresh fruit. We are delighting in early peaches and melons and waiting for local blueberries.

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