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I also have a prayer request for my eye (Cafelattee can you tell me more about...

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the steroid shot you got?

Were there any side effects? Did you have to go on oral steroids to taper off the dose?


I went to the optometrist today because I have had a very blurry eye for a few days. He said it looks like an inflammation of the optic nerve and referred me to see an opthamologist next week. I will probably be getting the steroid shot. I hope it works and my vision goes back to normal. He also told me that an inflamed optic nerve could be the first signs of MS, so needless to say, I am very scared.


I appreciate your prayers!

Thank you,


~Sabrina in NY

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the steroid shot you got?

Were there any side effects? Did you have to go on oral steroids to taper off the dose?


I went to the optometrist today because I have had a very blurry eye for a few days. He said it looks like an inflammation of the optic nerve and referred me to see an opthamologist next week. I will probably be getting the steroid shot. I hope it works and my vision goes back to normal. He also told me that an inflamed optic nerve could be the first signs of MS, so needless to say, I am very scared.


I appreciate your prayers!

Thank you,


~Sabrina in NY


How very scary!


A friend at church just went through a bunch of testing and whatnot for MS because of tingling and they found out that she didn't have it. Anyway, more to the point, she had to have some dental work done and took antibiotics and her tingling has disappeared. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you might want to ask your doc for some antibiotics to see if it would get rid of the problem (could it be an infection?); meanwhile keeping your appt with the opthamologist.


Will pray for you too!

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I had this years ago called optic neuritis, an inflammation of the coating of the optic nerve. I lost vision in my eye for a while. I ended up seeing a neuro-opthomologist. I went through extensive testing for MS, and was cleared. I lived in Rochester, NY at the time. If you are near there, I have a name for someone to see. He is great. PM me for details.


I started out with spots in my vision, like small pixels going out on a tv. Then it progressed to total loss in that eye for a bit. I ended up on heavy steroid treatment. IV for 3 days and then the pills at a taper dose for about 3 weeks. The attack was stopped and my vision did return, thankfully. I have a slightly enlarged blind spot as a result, but it doesn't bother me anymore and hardly shows up on tests.


You need to be seen sooner rather than later with this. If it is an inflammatory attack, it needs to be stopped. If your vision gets any worse, call them right away! My got so bad, that I would hate for this to be your situation. If you do have any changes, call and be persistent. I wasn't and it was very hard. :grouphug: They can fix this!

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Several years ago I temporarily lost my site due to a detached retina. Fortunately surgery restored my site; although, I am color blind in one eye now. Needless to say I know how scary vision problems can be and I will definitely keep you in my prayers.


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Sabrina, I take steroids for eye problems. Not optic nerve problems. I have swelling of the eye muscles.


Short term doses aren't really a big problem. In the long term you have to worry about bone density loss, the possibility of diabetes, upper GI problems, kidney problems and weight gain because steroids make you crave carbs.


I finally had to stop taking them after 2 1/2 years because of kidney pain and GI track issues.


Start taking calcium supplements and watch your sugar and carb intake while you are taking taking the meds.


Good luck and prayers for you.

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I just went through this 4 or 5 weeks ago.

I woke up and could not see out of my left eye. It was slightly blurry the day before.

I went to the Optometrist and saw a Retina Specialist and they couldn't find anything wrong. They messed around for 4 days and was suppose to set up an MRI. THey didn't so I went to the ER. They did an MRI and found that the nerve was inflames and suspect MS. THey gave me 3 rounds of steroids through an IV and did a Spinal Tap to rule out everything except MS.


Those who have MS, how did they diagnose it?


I have started taking a bunch of vitamins daily and I go see the Neurologist this month. My vision isn't back 100% yet.

From my understanding they have to have atleast 2 "episodes, such as the eye problem) 30 days apart to diagnose it.


It is very scary to go through.

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Did you get the 3 rounds of IV steroids on 3 separate days? How soon after the steroids did your sight begin to improve?

What kind of side effects did you get from the steroids?

I hope it isn't MS for your sake and mine.


I have read that carrot and vegetable juices along with a diet of mostly raw foods and no animal products has helped many people with MS to the point of complete recovery. I juice carrots on and off, and have started to juice daily since this has happened.

If I don't get to see the dr. tomorrow I might go to the ER also.

I am very scared.


Thank you for your response.


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I got the 3 rounds of steroids 24 hours apart for each round.

I think it took about a week to notice an improvement, but I was completely blind. I could not see anything.

The only side effects I noticed from the Steroids was a bigger appetite,

but I had a spinal tap headache for days and had to go back to the ER for that, so I might not have noticed side effects from the steroids.


From researching, I have found that the juicing diet is not as healthy as something like the Sally Fallon diet (Nourishing Traditions).

Also, we started changing our diet years ago to a much healthier lifestyle.

We juice on and off.

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