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It's the little things ...


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I discovered two things today that are so minor, but kind of actually life-changing:


Someone mentioned in a thread earlier this week that Kirkland Shampoo & Conditioner are the same as Purology. I went and bought some today and would agree that it is very, very similar. That right there will save me hundreds of dollars over the course of a year (I have very damaged hair so I won't skimp on good hair stuff).


I discovered tonight that there is a Kinko's literally 6 minutes from my house. Now I no longer have to drive 30 minutes to a sketchy area of town on Saturday nights to get my copies done for my Sunday morning responsibilities (never mind why I can't seem to have things prepared earlier in the day or the week).


Such minor things, but they both really make my life so much less stressful.

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I discovered two things today that are so minor, but kind of actually life-changing:


Someone mentioned in a thread earlier this week that Kirkland Shampoo & Conditioner are the same as Purology. I went and bought some today and would agree that it is very, very similar. That right there will save me hundreds of dollars over the course of a year (I have very damaged hair so I won't skimp on good hair stuff).


I discovered tonight that there is a Kinko's literally 6 minutes from my house. Now I no longer have to drive 30 minutes to a sketchy area of town on Saturday nights to get my copies done for my Sunday morning responsibilities (never mind why I can't seem to have things prepared earlier in the day or the week).


Such minor things, but they both really make my life so much less stressful.

I have a Pureology question....... I color my hair red and need the color protectant qualities in Pureology. Wondering if Kirklands can do that, too.  What did you notice about the Kirkland's brand that was similar to Pureology?  I would love to get into something cheaper that does the same thing, for sure!

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I also color my hair, but had a very bad experience years ago where my hair was so damaged that it was close to all falling out. This is why I will not skimp on good hair stuff (and have since switched hair people and how it is colored!)


I have only used the Kirkland stuff once so far, but could immediately tell that it was similar to the high-end stuff. It left my hair very smooth, soft, and easy to comb through, even when wet, which is not the norm for me when using basic stuff like Pantene. It just feels healthier from the Kirkland, similar to how it feels with Purology. The Kirkland bottles say it is sulfate- and paraben-free, and the conditioner says it has UV protectants.


I will continue using the Kirkland over the next few weeks to decide, but my initial impression is that it's going to be a keeper!

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