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Just for today! The Teachers Lounge is OPEN!


I was sitting down having lunch with my daughter, thought about the Teachers Lounge, and 

realized how much I miss you all!



What's for lunch today? We're having apple slices and gluten-free pizza.


What's on the schedule? We've implemented a new schedule, thus adding better structure to our day. That's the theory.

Today is the first day and has gone okay. Disrupted it just a bit because I was so hungry! But hey, I did manage not to jump

at the opportunity to go shopping with a neighbor, reminding myself that my kids need my focus right now.


What projects are YOU (not your students/kids) working on? I'm prepping for an all day potluck crop (scrapbooking) for 

Saturday. Part will be scrapbooking, part card making, part craft project for a friend. That's what I'm planning on anyway.



Talk to me! :bigear:



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Hi Ya, Scrap!


Lunch is everyone for him/ her self.  I think I hear some leftovers calling my name.


Later dd is planning to make pepperoni roll-ups for her dinner.  Dh and I can't eat them but ds might scarf down whatever she doesn't eat.  Dd is still browsing pinterest though so she might make something else instead.


Schedule?  Our schedule is doing life around doctor appointments, I think.


I have no projects.  Other than survival.  Is survival considered a very long term project?  

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Hi there!

Today was a good day--DS12 is in his last 4 days of his AoPS class, so he's crunching like mad to get finished with some lingering Alcumus and homework problems. We've resumed Latin for both so we had a lot of fun today reviewing some easy material. Then we went to get a frozen yogurt but the flavors they had were gross (blueberry sorbet and irish creme?? blech) so that was a fail. Then we played charades for a bit and tried to download an ebook from the library for my younger, but had some software glitches. We finally figured it out so he is reading and older is back on Alcumus for 30 minutes. 


I am going to make meatloaf for dinner (for the boys; I don't eat meat) and we are going to watch Unbroken or listen to some more of Ender's Game (audible book). I was considering going to the gym but have done 3 yoga classes in the last 4 days so I may just have a glass of wine and wait for DH to get home.


Our kittens are now about 10 weeks old and they are adorable. The dogs and the other cat all love them and wrestle with them/chase them/sleep with them, so we are a big happy family here. Chickens have been rehomed as the county was contacted, and while we miss them, we are glad they are in a good home (and hey! no more chicken poop on the patio! So that's a plus)


I may just close my eyes for 10 minutes. 5 pm isn't too late for a nap, is it? ;)



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Oh, and Jean, we once found a library book in the glove compartment of my car!

After we'd already paid for it's replacement of course!  :glare:

We had already paid for the replacements as well but I'm being reimbursed because I brought in the books and the receipt.  (Our library rules allow for that.)  Since one "book" was actually a computer disk, it was quite a bit of money..  

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Halcyon, ANY time is a great time for a cat nap! I am now back from taking a neighbor to and from a 

doctor's appointment. Playing on the computer a bit before I tackle a craft project. Still no idea what's for dinner

other than it will include organic, grass fed beef.  :coolgleamA:

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