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Life skills list ideas

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ANything I'm missing.? What would be your goals? Once something's been acccomplished , it gets checked off and I'll put a line next to each item for a little journal info.to be jotted down or whatever. My kids love this sutff. They will think this is the coolest. This doesn't have decision making, relationship, relationship stuff. I'm not doing that yet. Thanks!




  •          Fetch diapers
  •          Wash hands
  •          Comb hair
  •          Potty train
  •          Wash face
  •          Trim nails
  •          Clean ears
  •          Brush teeth
  •          Bathe
  •          Shower
  •          Floss
  •          deodorant
  •          Leave bathroom clean after use
  •          Puberty talk



  •          Tidy room
  •          Care for belongings
  •          Strip bed
  •          Remake bed with clean sheets
  •          Organize

o   drawers

o   closet

o   a place for everything

  •          Declutter


  •          Hang coat on hook
  •          Put own pajamas away
  •          Dress self

o   Snap

o   Zipper

o   Button

  •          Tie shoes
  •          Put clean clothes neatly in drawers
  •          Hang clean clothes on hanger


  •          Put own dirty clothes in hamper
  •          Carry dirty clothes to laundry room
  •          Be able to do family laundry completely

o   Gather laundry

o   Sort clothing by color, clothing care directions, and check pockets

o   Clean filter and use washer

o   Clean lint trap and use dryer

o   Fold laundry and sort

o   Put laundry away neatly

  •          Iron


  •          Straighten living room
  •          Clean bathroom completely

o   Sink

o   Toilet

o   Bathtub

  •          Empty bathroom trash
  •          Empty kitchen trash
  •          Wash outside and inside trash can
  •          Take out recycle
  •          Water plants
  •          Dust
  •          Sweep
  •          Mop
  •          Vacuum
  •          Replace vacuum bag
  •          Replace vacuum belt
  •          Clean mirror
  •          Wash window inside and outside



  •          Cut up own meat, pancakes
  •          Kitchen safety

o   Knife

o   Bacteria

o   Distinguish between good and spoiled food


  •          Breakfast

o   Eggs

o   Scrambled

o   Over easy

o   Boiled

o   Pancakes

o   Waffles

o   French Toast

  •          Beverages

o   Hot

o   Cold

  •          Breads

o   Quick

o   Yeast

o   Biscuits

  •          Desserts

o   Brownies/bars

o   Cake/muffins

o   Cookies

o   Confectionary

o   Bakers

o   Sugar

o   Custard

o   Doughnut

o   Frozen

o   Fruit

o   Pastry

o   Pie

o   Pudding

o   Sweet bread

  •          Plan and execute a balanced meal

o   Decide budget

o   Plan balanced meal within budget

o   Make shopping list

o   Shop

o   Safety  (i.e. flashing cash)  

       Compare quality and prices

o   Checkout

    Bring in and put away groceries

o   Cook meal



  •          Wipe up own spills
  •          Carry plate to sink after meals
  •          Set table completely
  •          Clear table
  •          Wipe table
  •          Put away leftovers
  •          Wipe counters
  •          Load dishwasher and turn on
  •          Put away clean dishes
  •          Wash dishes by hand


  •          Pick up yard: toys and trash
  •          Pull Weeds
  •          Mow lawn
  •          Trim Yard
  •          Rake leaves
  •          Shovel snow


  •          Drywall

o   Patch

o   Texture

o   Paint

o   Caulking

  •          Basic electric repairs

o   Change light bulb and understand wattage

o   Replace fuse

o   Learn where circuit breakers

  •          Plumbing

o   Leaky faucets

o   Plugged drains

o   Stopped up toilets

o   Running toilets



  •          Feed and water
  •          Clean bowls
  •          Groom

o   Brush

o   Mats

o   Eyes

o   Ears

o   Teeth

o   Nails

o   Bathe

o   Clip hair

  •          Poop cleanup


  •          Walking

o   Rules and safety

  •          Biking

o   Learn to ride

o   Rules and safety

o   Repair

§  Fix flat

§  Change tire

§  Oil

  •          Passenger

o   Safety

  •          Driving

o   Drivers Ed.

o   Pass driver’s test

  •          Public transportation

o   Purchase ticket and ride bus 

  •          Clean car

o   Clear out

o   Vacuum

o   Wipe down interior and windows

o   Wash exterior

  •          Car Maintenance

o   Check and fill all fluids

o   Fill car with gas

o   Air pressure

o   Air filter

o   Charge battery

o   Change tire

  •    Plan and price a vacation


  •          Cuts
  •          Bruises
  •          Fractures and sprains
  •          Fainting
  •          Bites and stings
  •          Burns
  •          Nosebleeds
  •          Choking
  •          Poisoning
  •          Medicine and seriousness of overuse
  •          First aid and CPR class


  •          Know how to handle pocket knife
  •          Swimming
  •          Address
  •          Phone number
  •          Learn how to make emergency calls
  •          Public bathrooms
  •          Understand dangers of drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes


  •          Make phone call
  •          Answer phone
  •          Take phone message
  •          Check mail and put in proper place
  •          Basic camera use
  •          Stay home alone
  •          Look after siblings

o   Take a babysitting course

  •          Go to store and make purchase by self
  •          Simple sewing

o   Hand sewing project

o   Mending project

o   Machine sewing project

  •          Sit quietly in church
  •          Know basic knots
  •          Give a haircut
  •          Banking

o   Deposits

o   Withdrawals

o   Write check

o   Balance checkbook  

  •    Call and schedule an appointment
  •       Fishing (bait, cast, gut)
  •      Start a fire from nature sources 


TOOLS (identify and use each)

  •          Claw hammer
  •          Screwdrivers
  •          Pliers with wire cutters
  •          Crescent wrench
  •          Tape measure
  •          Sander
  •          Power drill
  •          Saw
  •          Duct and electrical tape
  •          Nails and screws
  •          Utility knife
  •          Staple gun
  •          Flashlight
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  •          Public transportation

o   Purchase ticket and ride bus



Learn how to read a bus (or train) schedule.



And, in a different category, learn the alphabet.  Learn how to look things up in the dictionary and in the phone book.  Learn the different parts of the phone book -- yellow pages, personal listings, government pages.


Learn how to make a business call (i.e., ask for information about a book at a book store, call the bus company and ask a question about what bus to take to a given destination, ask to make an appointment to see the doctor, etc.).




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Thanks! Great ideas. I'm going to make an academic list too. The math section will have add single digits, long addition, carrying, regrouping, dividing fraction, all that stuff. I'm basically just taking their math book and typing out the table of contents. So the reading one will have learned the alphabet, short vowel sounds, vowel teams, read a CVC book, chapter book, etc. 

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Quite a long list! I hope I don't repeat something you already included :)


For kitchen safety, they should start learning basic stove and oven safety - always use a mitt, never turn on a gas stove while reaching over the burner (I did that just last year and spent five minutes thanking my lucky stars that I wasn't burned. I almost didn't believe it the way the flame whumped up!), never leave anything on a stove burner of any sort that isn't a skillet or pot (me again a few years ago, using an electric stove, carelessly left the chicken package on the burner, turned on the wrong burner, geez), run cold water over burns for five minutes. They should also know what gas smells like if you have gas fixtures, and to leave the house quickly in case of a gas leak.


For cooking, rather than focusing on teaching them how to make specific dishes, I'd focus on teaching them how to follow a recipe and to use specific techniques - how to saute, how to steam, how to roast vegetables, how to make a roux, how to make stock. (This list shows examples and is not comprehensive.) If you know how to follow a recipe, you can make a dozen different types of brownies. If you just learned "how to make brownies" you can make one. They should also learn simple substitutions and conversions for conventional measurements.


For "bring plate to sink", make sure you're very explicit that they have to scrape the darn things. I don't know why, but every day it's "Girls! Get back here, fetch your plate from the sink, and scrape it!"


For plumbing, both you and your children should be able to identify where the main pipe is coming into the house so you can shut off all water if necessary.


For transportation, they really should learn to read a map and to navigate by landmarks. I know that GPS is super prevalent today, but maps and landmarks work even if your phone dies, and they give us a better sense of our place in space than GPS does.


For clothes, they really should be able to make simple repairs - patching, darning, sewing on buttons, mending small rips, re-hemming.

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The book in my siggy is one that I checked out at the library and then purchased because it was so helpful.  You may want to see if your library has it. 


I own that book. It's great! Starting on page 23, she suggests making a life skills list and notebook, with photos and journaling, for each child to track their own progress. Love that idea.


I would add map skills and planning a route on the map.


Also, knowing how to paint would be good.


Great. Thank you!

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Here are two I have:


Bought on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Skills-Activities-Secondary-Students-Special/dp/0470259396/ref=pd_sim_14_6?ie=UTF8&refRID=0GQ5X9DENJE981V0BH07


Downloaded and Printed: http://autismbeacon.com/images/uploads/Life_Skills_Program_Planner.pdf



I know these are for special needs kids, but lots of really good skills in these guides!


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