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Why teach derivatives in precalculus (or point me to a math teachers forum:))

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So the very last section in the precalculus book is about derivatives.  What is the benefit (or negatives) of teaching this at this point?  It is covered in Chapter 2 of the Calculus book I plan to use.


Also, I tried some google searches but haven't found a forum that is functioning.   I would like to find a place to ask pedagogical math questions. There must be a forum somewhere that is actually used by teachers.  ,







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I think I am wondering if there would be any reasons why a calculus teacher would rather not have had it covered in precalc.   I can't put my finger on what they would be but I have this vague feeling.


We are 3 sections from it and then will start review.  

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Also, I tried some google searches but haven't found a forum that is functioning.   I would like to find a place to ask pedagogical math questions. There must be a forum somewhere that is actually used by teachers.  ,



You can always try to ask your questions here. There are several people on this board who are either professional math instructors or come from related fields and would have insight.

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Agree with Regentrude. It isn't worthless, but if you have any intent to eventually take calculus, then you may as well wait for calculus. Personally, I'd prefer students to spend the extra time on trigonometric identities, hyperbolic functions, or even plain old limits.

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I think there's a little bit of benefit of giving a tiny exposure to derivatives if you've got the time.  I want to be clear that I don't think it's a big deal, but some students seem to have the idea that calculus is really difficult and somehow particularly complicated or different.  Just a half an hour overview might help ease the new-ness next year.  It also might help to explain the importance of limits.  Again, not that big a deal -- just my 2c.

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Thanks for sharing that perspective.  I hadn't thought about the anxiety factor.  


That won't be an issue in my home because my children have been hearing about how great calculus is and they know it isn't optional in this homeschool.(if abilities permit).  


My 2nd son came home from worship band practice(all people older than him) his senior year and said, "Mom, not everyone takes calculus."  




"Can I stop taking it?"




He looks back now on his calculus course with a fondness enhanced by distance :).  


Thanks everyone for discussing this.


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