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Writing club: would you be interested in joining an online one?


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Ok, my search for an online writing club proved fruitless, so I'm now thinking of creating one for my children. We are abroad, so there are little opportunities of finding other children to join forces with. I'm thinking of setting up an online club mostly because my DD is very sociable and would love to share her writing efforts with other children. If I did set up an online writing club to children aged 7-12, would anyone be interested in joining it?

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I'm still developing the idea in my mind, so suggestions are more than welcome, but this is what I thought so far: have a weekly activity to explore one element of writing (e.g. great beginnings, developing a character or adding descriptive detail) or a genre (narrative, poems, newspaper style reports) plus an optional weekly free or prompt based writing. So for example, one week children could each pick their favorite children's book beginning, explain to the group why they like it and try and write a great story beginning of their own, and maybe use that beginning to write an entire story of their choice. Children who wish to share what they have written with the rest of the club would also be able to do so (I was thinking of a password protected blog platform with access only to the writing club members/moms). Ultimately, but this would probably be a longer term development, it would be fun to create a mini magazine of the children's writing, Stone Soup style. Does this sound like something interesting/useful?

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Glad to see so many people are interested! One thing I'm really trying to work out how to address feedback. Some children (like my DS and my DD) can get very precious about their writing. At the same time, constructive feedback can be very useful. So perhaps we could have feedback only for children who want it, and keep it positive (e.g. I'd like to find out more about/ hear more of...): what do you think?

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OK everyone, just to keep you posted: I have somewhat refined the writing club idea, and I see it structured roughly as follows:


The club will be a safe, supportive online environment where children can explore and develop their writing, and share it with new friends. It will be based on two prongs: a weekly learning activity to explore one element of writing (e.g. memorable beginnings, creating suspense, 'showing' not 'telling') or a genre (narrative, poems, newspaper-style reports) plus an optional weekly free or prompt based writing.


Children (and moms) be told the theme of each activity a week ahead, so they can gather any relevant piece of writing that they particularly enjoy (theirs or by an established author) . They will then be able to share their chosen piece of writing with the rest of the club, explaining why they like it and think it is strong. I will then provide a small piece of 'boring' writing and ask for their help to make it more effective by applying the skills we are exploring each particular week. I find that this is the best way to develop a writing skill, because my children are very sensitive to what they perceive as criticism of their work, but don't have any qualms in improving mine! Children would then have the option to write their own piece, either following a set prompt or choosing their own theme (ideally using their newly practiced skill). They can then share what they have written with the rest of the club at a later meeting and, for those who wish it, they can also receive positive, constructive feedback from me (not sure whether I mentioned this before, but I am a professional writer) as well as other class members.


If I can run this on Currclick, I'd ideally like it to be a hybrid club, with a live session themed around the learning activity while the actual writing would be self-paced, with prompts available on the class page. The live session would be recorded for those who miss it.  The club would be designed for 7 to 12 years olds and would be free and not faith-based. 


I have emailed Currclick to ask whether they would be interested in running the club on their platform, but I haven't heard back yet. As soon as I do, I'll let you know and, assuming you are still interested in your children joining the club, we can get it off the ground. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone, I finally heard back from CurrClick on Friday and, unfortunately, they don't currently have any opening for Live stuff, though they may have later in the year. However, I'm really keen to get going and have decided to get started the old-fashioned way, on a blog platform, though I also plan to explore what Google Hangout offers in the way of interaction. I've got some background work to do to prepare the club, but the idea is to get it started on the week beginning June 15. The structure remains as I have outlined below, but there may not be a live element to it, at least at the beginning. Could you please be so kind to message me if you are still interested in your children joining the club, so i can let you know when it's ready?

Many thanks!

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