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BFSU new edition

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My understanding was that the new edition had one or two additional lessons. There is a website, now, with user-entered support information and I bet you could find the gist of the new lessons there. So, I didn't hear about any substantive changes.


I made up a checklist for myself so that I could check off lessons as we completed them. That helped keep track when we went out of order, and motivated my inner box-checker.

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This is what the author posted to his yahoo group about the new edition:



All lessons in the new edition (of volume I) are essentially the same, although the new edition does contain two new lessons, B-5A, "Adaptations and Survival" and C-3A, "Energy and Force." The new edition also expands the sections on "how to use BFSU" and adds matrixes that correlate BFSU lessons with the "Next Generations Science Standards" (NGSS). (The two new lessons are added in view of these standards.)


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If you bought the old edition, does anyone know if you can upgrade somehow? Or, do you pay again?

There is supposed to be an online version coming where you could print just the lessons you needed. I was able to view the entire new lesson on Amazon look inside. I decided I was fine with the old edition.

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