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Handwriting help for kid with fine motor issues

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Seriously, I once read a study about classrooms full of k-1 who spent 30 minutes 3 days per week on it. Their handwriting was beautiful and vastly different from their control groups. I did origami and ASL with my dd5 and she has gorgeous handwriting, both manuscript and cursive. Even the neuropsych eval we had commented and he believed it was hugely benificial.

Obviously, one child does not unequivocal evidence make, but since it is fun and has no harmful effects, might be worth a try:)

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I also recommend cursive. Ds11's printing is not functional and we have abandoned printing for typing. I did try cursive with him last year but decided at this stage that typing would be more productive. His cursive was better than his printing though and I wish I'd started much younger.

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