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Apricot seeds?


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I got asked (at school) today what I knew about Apricot seeds.


Um, that would be nothing.


Then I was told that they apparently prevent cancer.


I am, of course, extremely skeptical as I am of all these sorts of "treatments" and mentioned it to the person asking (and why), but I didn't have any specific facts.


I could, of course, check with google, but many times others on the Hive can give me so much info so quickly... and I have ponies I need to go outside with right now... and maybe there's a touch of laziness there too.


Therefore, feel free to add what you know - as always pro or con as I'll sort through it so I can have an intelligent conversation next time.


If there is anything else related that I "should" know about, feel free to clue me in there too.  It's always good to be up on knowledge about the current "things" going around when I'm at school and people THINK I know about something.

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I've heard of this one. It's B-16, I think???


Most of the time I dismiss most of these claims out right, BUT in this case...I have a friend of close friends who took the B-whatever supplement and 'came back' from a terminal cancer diagnosis. Conventional treatment had not worked. The only reason I listened at all is because I know who the people are. I still don't know enough details to make an informed opinion...


Another friend of mine took this as conventional medicine lost it's battle with his cancer. Rich has been in heaven a year and a half now.


It's out there. I certainly like to see some sciency type studies to confirm or deny such claims.

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Yes, some people say apricot kernels can prevent or treat cancer. They also have cyanide in them which obviously can make it a bad idea to eat them in the quanties recommended by people who think they prevent cancer. But, as always, there's lots of disagreement about either how effective or dangerous they are.


I think they taste good. In Central Asia they put the kernels in apricot jam and they're a lot like almonds. But you don't eat more than a couple in a day. I just ate them because because I liked them, not because of any purported health benefit.

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Some studies support an anti-tumor effect with the Laetrile method based on nitriloside. There are other studies that have also found nitriloside helpful as adjunct treatment - some use it by itself and report improvements. As usual, many believe it's a hoax. If you want to get nitrilosides in something other than apricot kernels, consume items baked with buckwheat flour.

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Interesting.  Now I wonder what sort of (medical) studies are going on with it, and, of course, since cancer is such a diverse deal overall, which types it might work on.


Maybe tomorrow I will put some time into google to be more up on the issue (since it could easily come up again at school).

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