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Which omega 3 and how much to help with speech in 3 yo


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We are using Nordic naturals omega3 strawberry flavor for our 3 yo, we are using for several months and I think it may have helped in my DS words, he is doing ok I think. But he has to speak more, express himself clearly. Certain sounds like S are hard for him. Etc..

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We used Nordic naturals in conjunction with 3x per week speech therapy, 3x per week OT and 2x per week PT. I gave 1 tsp per day. I didn't say anything to the speech therapist, but she noticed something changed right away. She said his improvement was the fastest she had ever seen.


FWIW, the strawberry is twice as expensive as the other flavours for nothing more than the taste. I switched pretty quickly to the peach flavour and my kid never noticed. To this day I mix it into about 2 tablespoons of yogurt. It has to be something creamy or the oil separates out. I used 1 tsp oil, 2 tbsp plain yogurt and 1 tsp jam. I gave it to him with dinner.

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while my naturopath recommends Nordic naturals for quality omegas - her feelings on the "kid gummys" is - they're utterly worthless if there is a true need for the omega's. they just don't have very much omega in them.


dudeling has been doing proomega or ultimate omega since he was five. (they're the same, one is consumer, one is professional).  I buy whichever I can find a better deal on amazon.

she wanted to start him on the oil  - but he prefers the capsules.  


here are the 1000mg softgels (price varies by number in bottle, and I don't know if they're the same or different, so don't freak out.)






and the liquid/oil





here you can see the label on the tangerine only has 86mg of omega's.



there is a proomega/ultimate omega gummy for kids with 640mg omega's




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My son has Apraxia.  He's now almost 6 and has been in speech therapy for over 3 years (doing well!).  I suggest if your pediatrician is concerned, have him evaluated by a speech therapist.  For over a year around age 3, I used something called Speak Nutrients.  I watched a youtube video by the developer who is a doctor with a son with Apraxia.  I can't say it necessarily helped, but he did make good strides in Speech Therapy that year.  They aren't cheap but neither is speech therapy. 


By the way, my pediatrician only referred us because I asked to be referred.  She didn't think it was anything to worry about at first.  A lot of kids, boys more often I think, are late talkers.  And my speech therapist goes back and forth on the diagnosis, so it's pretty mild. 

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