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Prayer Request

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A friend of ours, who has been battling the aftereffects of pancreatic cancer for over four years now, has been given six to nine months to live - the cancer has gone into her liver. She is on chemo but they have told her it will become less and less effective, and the pain meds likewise. She is only 49.


Will you please pray for Becky? We are asking for a miracle because with God, NOTHING is impossible!


Thank you.

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Tinag - Thank you so much! I know Becky appreciates the prayers as much as we do for her. She has had a very rough 4+ years, and this news that she has 6-9 months is devastating. 49 is so young. And she would like to see her grandson grow up. It's just too sad. But - our God is able - so we continue to pray for a miracle for her. THANK YOU for adding your prayers - it means a lot!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wanted to thank you all again for praying for Becky - and let you know that she passed away today. As her sister said, she is in God's hands now...


If you would remember her family in prayer during this difficult time, I know they would appreciate it.



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I wanted to thank you all again for praying for Becky - and let you know that she passed away today. As her sister said, she is in God's hands now...


If you would remember her family in prayer during this difficult time, I know they would appreciate it.




I'm so very sorry to hear that. I am just now seeing this prayer request....I'm so sorry.....



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