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What is an appropriate (nice) hostess gift for Passover?

Lucy the Valiant

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Our (Christian) family has been graciously invited to a Passover seder at our Jewish friends' house, and I know not to offer to bring food (there are 6 of us; I would normally bring food when invited to someone else's house for a meal).


So what is a nice / thoughtful hostess gift to bring? Flowers seem tacky? Not wine. Suggestions?

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Flowers are lovely. I know you said not wine, but as long as it is kosher for Passover and mevushal, it would also be a lovely gift.


If you wanted something for the home, you could buy a mezuzah or tzedakah box.

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My hesitation with flowers is that they can sometimes smell strongly - I guess I could choose ones that aren't particularly strong-smelling? (I don't know, but strong-smelling doesn't seem to fit this home. But flowers are beautiful.)


I think not wine because 1 member celebrates recovery from past alcoholism, so that is not the right thing to bring.


I will look over fruit selections and also nice flowers. (I am probably over-thinking this.)

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Okay, no wine. How about Passover Coca-Cola? Made with sugar instead of corn syrup, so you can never stock up on enough of that stuff. And unless you literally roll it in bacon fat or something you can't screw it up and make it non-kosher because it's pre-packaged.


I'd probably go with a nice fruit basket, myself, or, yes, flowers. (Or a book, but that's because I'm of the opinion that every occasion deserves to be commemorated with a book. Nobody has complained about my approach yet!)

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