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AP Environmental Science

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My son used this edition of Miller's Living in the Environment http://www.amazon.com/Living-Environment-Principles-Connections-CengageNOW/dp/0495556718/ref=sr_1_7?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1424809088&sr=1-7&keywords=miller+living+in+the+environment at his school (there is at least one newer edition).


Dd asked to do APES next year. I will be doing it on my own. I haven't yet chosen a textbook, but I've started reading various syllabi and teachers' websites for ideas :) Dd has been competing in and winning ecology- and environmental-related Science Olympiad events for years. I expect she'll find it to be an interesting yet not too challenging course.

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Karen, I hope you'll keep us posted on your plans! I have the same book, and I expect Shannon will do this AP exam.  I've been flirting with the idea of submitting a syllabus and officially doing an AP class after reading your other posts on the topic.


Of course, other threads make me determined to stay off the whole AP bandwagon.  I feel slightly schizophrenic thinking about the testing issue!!

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Here are links to a couple of free online classes. I haven't used them, but they look interesting:


EdX's AP Prep course:




GA Virtual Learnings AP Prep Course:




If you use one, please post a review. We'll be there in a couple of years.

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I am totally underwhelmed by the EdX course.  It does have some ok labs, but the lectures really aren't very good IMO.  Better than their AP Bio course, but still underwhelming.  I like the Intro to Environmental Science class from Dartmouth - going on now at EdX - much better.


I will check out the GA Virtual Learning course, thanks for posting.

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