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Best place to buy Song School Latin?


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I saw it in the Varitas press catalog, I don't know how fast they are with shipping... I also saw it in the Timberdoodle catalog, my past experience with timberdoodle has always been fast shipping and good customer service. I am eyeing this program for my three littles...it looks like fun. I just need to click the "buy it" button...I don't know why it is so hard for me to actually purchase. I think I just love the chase of a product.

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You know what Hen Jen, I think I may be the same way! The thrill of the chase.


We started using SSL a few weeks ago, with three kids 7 and under, and I'm pretty happy with it. Kids sing the songs, remember the vocabulary. I think its a good, gentle intro for little ones. Just wanted to share that. It is worth clicking that "buy it" button. :001_smile:

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can someone tell me if it is a secular program? I am trying to decide whether or not to order it and the one that follows it- through our charter school or whether I need to order it myself. I'd hate to order it and have it canceled when it comes in...that would delay our starting it.


anyone, anyone?....

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This is not a secular publisher. Song School Latin is not secular. Most of the book has nothing to do with religion. There are a few references. The biggest being the chapter on Christmas. Some may want to just skip that chapter. There are no trees or santa, etc. The words to learn are baby, angel, star, etc. There are sentences to fill in words that pertain to the birth of Jesus. I could probably list all of the references, if anyone is interested. I personally would not use any books at a higher level than the early elementary (Song School) level. Religion looks to be more imbedded in the texts at the higher levels.

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