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Tennis elbow help


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I've been suffering from this for a couple of months.   The problem is it's my right elbow and I'm right handed.  I can lay off the computer for a while, but I still like to read books (prop it up with my right hand)... use utensils to eat (I noticed it was hurting me while I was eating today)...and well, do just about everything with my right hand/arm.  I'm sitting here with my arms folded over my belly and I can feel the tension in my elbow.


Some days it hurts really badly... help.





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There are some really good videos on Youtube.



I used this one and I bought the thingy-s he suggested. The worked beautifully and gave me quite a lot of relief.  I got a lot better very quickly, and then the rate of improvement slowed, but it is still getting better. But before Christmas, I couldn't push a grocery cart, and I was being woken up in the night b/c it hurt so much when I pulled up the covers. Now, I hardly even think about it. I am doing kettlebells for exercise and I feel just fine.  Doing the exercises he suggested really really worked for me.

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A tennis elbow brace has really helped me quite a bit.  Highly recommend getting one.  When I was having the most pain, would wear it for hours and the compression helped it not hurt.   I lift a lot of heavy things at our shop and aggravated my elbow a few times.  Try not to lift anything too heavy and don't type for hours at a time. My hand would start freeze if I was on computer for too long.  And yes, it was my writing hand.  Can get at local target, walmart, drug store.  Try it and see.


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When I had tennis elbow, I had to find ways to not use that arm. I learned to eat left-handed. I cut my food left-handed by using a pizza wheel (or dh helped me if he was around). I set up my computer and desk differently do that there was significantly less muscle tension when I typed. Aside from the typing, I found that when I put my mind to it, I really could figure out how to do most things with just one hand.

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