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S/o Valentine's Day


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Valentine's Day isn't something I celebrate with my bloke, and we've never done it as a family either. The kids discovered it when they were at school are have now said that they'd like to do something this year, but because I'm the Special Days Mistress around here, they expect me to know what to do. Would anybody like to share any ideas for good family/kid activities - educational, celebratory or both? 

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We make and mail valentines a few days ahead of time.


We have a special breakfast - used to be pink, heart shaped pancakes, now it's waffles with strawberries. I put little goodie bags at their seat at the kitchen table - a little bear, a bit of chocolate.


This year we're having a kid valentines day party as well, so I'll make cupcakes and figure out some games. :)

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I was hoping we could do some reading and educational activities relating to St Valentine, but from a quick google it appears that he was probably two or more people, none of whom really had much to do with the modern Valentine's Day. I'm a bit disappointed: I sort of expected that V Day would have a well established story like Christmas Day.


Still, cooking is always a great option around here, my kids like it whatever the occasion.

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I'm not into VD so much. My dh used to buy each dc one of those heart-shaped boxes of chocolates and a card. He bought me a larger heart-shaped box of chocolates and a card; sometimes flowers and other things. Dc and I bought him stuff when I remembered and was somewhere to get it.

Yeah, can't blame a girl for not really being into VD, lol!

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All 3 of the "St. Valentine" men were Christian martyrs, so you could talk about the persecutions of Christians by the Romans, if you wanted. That's historical fact, even if the details of their identities are lost. You could research how the cards have changed over the years--there are great pictures of the Victorian type, and the penny insult type online.


You could do something nice for a fire station or an animal shelter or something. Make heart cookies, send valentines (see Pinterest for non-candy ideas), or do a knock and run on neighbors' doors.


You could study the real heart--I think there are models you can make out of household things.


You could write notes to each other listing 5 things you love about each other.


Basically, just love and kindness day, y'know?

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