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From Jousting Armadillos to...?


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My daughter is about to finish Jousting Armadillos. When we started this year, she started doing Dolciani Pre-Algebra along with JA (JA just one day a week). She hated Dolciani, and begged to go back to MM. She did the first couple of chapters in MM6 (old version), and then asked if she could do JA again because she really liked it. She has done JA solely since then, and is on the last chapter. I was going to get the next book after JA, but I'm wondering if I should just get AoPS Pre-Algebra and have her start that. I know she will still be working on it next year, and I'm okay with that. I'm not in any hurry for her to finish Pre-Algebra.


I'm just not sure if the books after JA would be a complete Pre-Algebra/Algebra, as I believe the second book is the rest of Pre and then some of regular Algebra.


Anyone have some ideas or recommendations? She does real well with JA, and loves the teaching style.



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What did she like/hate about those programs and how old is she?


We have done JA, aops preA (half of it), and I have Dolciani on the shelf. :) if you are finding math really easy in JA and Dolciani, it's worth going to aops. While we loved JA (and I think it was an excellent prep for some concepts in aops), we zipped through it in couple of months over the summer. If JA is just right, I would keep going with it. I agree with your daughter about Dolciani. :)

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