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Online Biology at WTM Academy, AIM Academy, Others ?

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Can anyone comment on their experiences with these programs?  I need to consider some options for Honors Bio in the event I am not able to teach my DD the content this fall.  I have looked at the syllabus for each of the classes mentioned but would really appreciate some BTDT feedback if possible.




ETA: Honors or Pre-AP would be best, as DD will continue to AP Bio.

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You might be interested in the Biology classes at Wilson Hill?  WHA is a Christian organization, but they're using the Miller Levine macaw text this year. (We're Christian, but, personally, I prefer that my kids use a non-secular science text because I think  insisting on using a Christian text sends a sort of conflicting message about science and Christianity... as if one cannot be a Christian and a serious scientist.)


I believe WHA is considering adding a pre-AP Bio class for 2015-16.  Here's the academic background of the instructor, Marie Owens, from their website:


"She attended the Medical University of South Carolina (in Charleston), earning a PhD in microbiology and immunology.  (As you might guess, little things are important to her.)  She was awarded an American Society of Microbiology fellowship to conduct post-doctoral research at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, GA."


My boys just started the Bio class, coming in mid-year, so we can't speak from much experience. So far, though, we're very happy with it!  Wish we'd used it from the beginning, even though it meets at 6:30 am, our time.


Their website is rather difficult to navigate, and they don't have any class info up right now, so you can't really see what sorts of classes they did this year. However, if you email them, I'm sure Mrs. Owens will get in touch with you and be happy to talk about her Bio class and WHA's plans for next year. She was very helpful and gracious with her time when I was trying to figure out if it would be possible to transfer my boys in mid-year.


ETA: WHA has an open house coming up on the 29th, 8-9pm EST.

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That's great to hear!  I'm trying to figure out what's best for all three of my kids, who are each going in so many different directions now.  Meanwhile, I'm having some medical problems that I thought would go away but are starting to escalate... so, anyway I don't think I'll be able to teach everything I'd like.  Maybe this will work. :)

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You might be interested in the Biology classes at Wilson Hill?  WHA is a Christian organization, but they're using the Miller Levine macaw text this year. (We're Christian, but, personally, I prefer that my kids use a non-secular science text because I think  insisting on using a Christian text sends a sort of conflicting message about science and Christianity... as if one cannot be a Christian and a serious scientist.)


I believe WHA is considering adding a pre-AP Bio class for 2015-16.  Here's the academic background of the instructor, Marie Owens, from their website:


"She attended the Medical University of South Carolina (in Charleston), earning a PhD in microbiology and immunology.  (As you might guess, little things are important to her.)  She was awarded an American Society of Microbiology fellowship to conduct post-doctoral research at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, GA."


My boys just started the Bio class, coming in mid-year, so we can't speak from much experience. So far, though, we're very happy with it!  Wish we'd used it from the beginning, even though it meets at 6:30 am, our time.


I would be interested to hear how they address evolution and age of the earth topics in this course.  Although we are Christian I am looking for something which provides fair treatment of these subjects even if they hold to a young earth perspective.  Any additional info would be helpful.


BTW, I can't imagine our kids getting up at 6AM for class. lol  Maybe it would do them some good if they could stay awake.  :tongue_smilie:



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Ds is in Pre-AP Honors Bio with Noemi Gonzalez at The Potter's School. It is taught from a Christian perspective, but it does cover evolution thoroughly. (Actually this is what they are currently studying!)


The class meets once per week from Sept - May. I am pleased with the class so far. Ds was never interested in biology (he viewed himself as a chemistry/physics guy before this class), but he is enjoying it. I think it has challenged him and I'm  glad we went with it. I'm particularly pleased with the instruction for the formal lab reports. Mrs. Gonzalez has responded to emails quickly and graciously. 


I don't know if it was necessary or overkill, but I chose to pair this class with the Landry Academy "Biology, Anatomy and Physiology" Lab Intensive.

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My kids are taking Bio at the WTM Academy. It uses a secular text book, includes two hours of live class online each week, weekly quizes, tests, and midterns. They also have 4 book reports and a research paper due over the course of the year. We are taking the lab option where the teacher grades the lab reports


The kids love this class and the teacher. Dd will be taking Chemistry from WTMA next year.

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My kids are taking Bio at the WTM Academy. It uses a secular text book, includes two hours of live class online each week, weekly quizes, tests, and midterns. They also have 4 book reports and a research paper due over the course of the year. We are taking the lab option where the teacher grades the lab reports


The kids love this class and the teacher. Dd will be taking Chemistry from WTMA next year.


Thanks!  I appreciate hearing about how kids like it.  I like the book they use, but I really wanted a student's perspective. Sounds great!


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