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CLE Math--accelerating/skipping how ?


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I'm switching to CLE. I purchased all the light units for our current level. A little over 1/2 the new teaching lesson material is going to be review for us. 


What is the best way to move through the material, given some "new" will be review? I'm hoping to complete this level this year so we aren't behind going into 6th grade. One of mine is not capable of doing multiple lessons/a high volume of problems each day.


I've looked through most of the units, and I think we'll have some lessons that are new and others that are review in every unit, even LU2.



I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed.

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My suggestion would be to entirely skip LU 1. You can skip all the quizzes and tests for all the rest of the light units. Every 5th lesson is "just for fun" and could be easily skipped or added to another lesson. However I have been impressed with the "just for fun" lessons because they teach logic skills. You can always pick and choose how many review problems to do per day and you might be able to do 2 lessons in a day. Just start with LU 2 and see how it goes - making adjustments along the way.

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Skip the first light year of each grade.

Do two lessons a day. But only do 1 speed drill.... Or if there are enough facts in the review skip both speed drills in the back of the book.

Skip the review questions if you think the child has mastered them.

Do a lesson on Saturday and one on Sunday. You could be completing 12 lessons a week that way.


Currently we are completing a book in about 2 weeks. We still do everything as the review is nice. But we sometimes skip a speed drill.

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We are combining math programs right now so we skip all the test, drills etc. If I know ds knows the stuff I let him do only on or two problems in a section for review. He really does not need to do ten problems of something he already knows. Think beating a dead horse. But I always make sure he is understanding everything. I seems to be working pretty well.

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I'd say skip the the first LU completely. Skip the quizzes but do the tests. The lessons are very long, but if most of it is a review, your child will probably whip right through and be able to do two lessons in one day.  If they are able to do this, crossing out some of the same types of problems is no big deal.


We've flip-flopped with many things in our homeschool career. CLE math is the one thing we've stuck with for years. I think you'll love it. :)

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