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Salt tray for words?

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This is silly, but what am I looking for here?  I've been using a pie dish and that's just barely big enough for multi-letter phonograms with him.  We need to move up to words to finish out Barton 2 and I think I want to use a salt tray for that, not paper.  He has pretty decent writing in the salt right now and I just don't think I want to go to paper yet.  I'm thinking salt and then maybe practicing those words again while standing at the easel using finger paint.  


I was thinking maybe a covered 9X13 cake pan?  I don't have one but I could probably pick up one for $5.  A jelly roll pan would be better, but do they come with covers?  Is there something else I should be looking for?

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We used a glass casserole dish (9x13 or something like that) with corn meal instead of salt. If you want an even bigger pan, full sized sheet cake pans are HUGE. If you have the kind of tray for setting winter boots in a closet, that could also work. I have a fantastic oblong pan that I found at the grocery store with a lid--that type of thing would be perfect if you want to keep it stored in the pan.


When you're ready for something other than a salt tray-type thing, we also used a white board with colored markers when doing Barton with my ds.  I had the tiles set up on a breakfast-in-bed type tray--and we discovered it could be written on like a white board, so that's what we used for a while.  But eventually the number of tiles took over the whole tray, so I went to other trays.  And I'm not fun anymore--we use plain old pen or pencil and paper now when doing Barton.  I should pull out those colored marker and white board for my dd whose 9--she'd like that.




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Ooo yes, those are what I spent some time looking at!  In Barton 3 they start writing phrases, so I'm thinking he's going to run out of room.  He barely can get 3 letters in a glass pie dish.  So for a phrase with 10 letters (including) spaces I'm thinking Merry's idea of the boot tray might work out super fab!  And turns out Walmart has the for $5, score!  They're 29" wide and very shallow.  Think I might buzz over tonight and try to see them.  


Hadn't even thought about cornmeal, hmm.  Yellow is supposed to be good for memory.  We just end up with salt everywhere.  


Yeah, I'm not sure why I'm humming and hawing on the paper.  He likes writing on paper.  I had so many problems with dd's motor control, I've been trying to keep him using gross motor for writing.  That way we can go over the motor planning every time.  This big tray would segway well to a whiteboard, I agree.  


The only thing holding me up on the $5 walmart boot tray is it's scalloped, hehe.  Might seem girly?  Amazon had one for $11.  I thought maybe it would be more obvious if I saw it in person.  Also maybe there are trays in the pet section?  They might not be $5 though, wow.  


Mainstays All-Purpose Boot Tray - Walmart.com

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I just use a 16" pizza pan with salt in it. I prefer salt over flour because of the texture of the salt (rougher, etc.). It is the same reason that I don't care for shaving cream.


I don't like markers and dry erase boards because they are too smooth and there is no tactile feedback. Pencil and paper is no good for me either. 


I do like crayons on large piece of (not copy paper) but more like drawing paper with roughness to the surface of the paper.


Anything that will give you some resistance and feedback.


Good luck.  

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This was a few years ago but at Michael's Crafts  I found a covered wooden box.  I also bought small packets of colored sand to put inside and it worked out okay for us.  I would have preferred for it to be a bit more shallow but for the short time we used it, it was fine. We could never use food based materials because we live out a ways and still get occassional unwanted critters inside and they just love that kind of thing, Lol! The joys of country living!

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One more thought about using salt tray and other multi-sensory inputs. PLease make sure you are having your children use the salt tray or large paper, etc. using their entire arm. An example of what I'm talking about is air writing. That is the exact motion you want to see when using the salt tray or large paper. That will get the gross motor motion which will help cement sounds to the brain. 


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Batman's Wife---I love that peppermint salt idea!!!  The sense of smell seems an oft neglected sense when it comes to multi-sensory learning. And Lizzy Bee--I love the gift box idea--so simple and inexpensive. 


My 5 year old doesn't show any signs of dyslexia or learning disorders, but I might create some peppermint salt in a gift box for her anyway just because they seem fun!

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