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Every single diet book


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starts out by bad mouthing all the other diets out there.


Then proceeds to tell the reader that THIS one isn't a diet at all......it is a "lifestyle change."


Then goes into the "science" behind their particular diet, I mean er, um, lifestyle change.  (Which, by the way, will contradict the other "lifestyle change" book!)


Then will continue by telling the reader that this is the ONLY way.


Ok, I am done griping.......I should use that energy to go write my own diet book and make some money!

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It's one of the things I like about the No S diet: that he says - no science; just seems like a good idea; give it a try:


Is there any scientific evidence that this diet works?

Absolutely none. But I'm not aware that I have any competition in this regard.

It is more or less how billions of thin people around the world have eaten for millenia, if that counts for anything.

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Most of the diets will work, not for any real scientific reason but because they help you maintain a calorie deficit and not feel like crap and/or are easy to stick to.


People tend to write diet books based on what works for them, but I've seen great results from polar opposites like Atkins and the raw vegan diets.


The best diet is really going to be the one you can stick to and not feel like crap, and you're probably not going to find it without some experimentation.


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