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Would you want a call if your dh

Jean in Newcastle

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The conversation went like this.


Me - "I would appreciate a call."


Him - "I can't call in the middle of a medical emergency."  (He's an RN).


Me - "I understand that.  But once you are done and go out to the car, I'd appreciate a call."  (The drive home takes 30 min. so it would give me an extra 30 min. peace of mind.)


Him - actually I can't remember what he said but it was something about why I thought it was a big deal because he didn't..


Me - "It is late at night and it would give me more peace of mind to know that you are safe."


Him - "Ok."  I still don't think he really understands where I'm coming from but that's ok.  I don't care if he understands.  I'd just like a call.  I specifically did not call him prior because I didn't want to risk interrupting him/ distracting him in the midst of a medical emergency because I know those happen.



I would want a call...I'm a bit of a worrier.  Typically, he doesn't call though.  He often is still dealing with work calls on his way home and has a variety of reasons why he often runs late.  If it's something that bothers you I would just talk with DH about it. See if you can come up with a plan to call that is easy enough for him and works for you so you don't worry.  

I did!

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We have a standing agreement that he phones me if he hasn't left (from various work sites 30-45 minutes away) by the time I was expecting him to be home.

If we know he's going to be working very late (past midnight) I usually phone him before I go to bed so I don't feel bad if I'm half asleep when he arrives.

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