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Life and homeschooling in the Chattanooga area


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I'm thinking about relocating to the Chattanooga area. We recently moved back to South Florida after spending 14 years in rural England, and the kids are having a difficult time adjusting to the very different lifestyle here. I've visited Chattanooga several times in the past 20 years and have always really liked it, but I haven't been there in several years.


I'm looking for a place that has a feeling of community, where there are some cultural opportunities, but where there are also farmers' markets with local produce and crafts. I would love to find a place where people are not completely wrapped up in materialism and commercialism and having the latest gadgets, where people enjoy and value the simpler things in life. Does this even exist anymore?


Also, what is homeschooling like in this area. I understand that the regulations in Tennessee are pretty straight-forward, but are there some good homeschooling groups? We just got involved in Classical Conversations. I would love to find one up there, but we could live without it.


So any advice would be much appreciated. What do you love about the area? What are the cons for you? Is there another area that would better fit what I'm looking for?




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You need to repost or cross post on the General Education board, you'll get more answers.  As for TN, we were in the Bristol area and HSing community was lacking, I'm sure the Chatt area is much better.  You should see if there's a Yahoo group in Chatt. and ask some questions.


... "I'm looking for a place that has a feeling of community, where there are some cultural opportunities, but where there are also farmers' markets with local produce and crafts. I would love to find a place where people are not completely wrapped up in materialism and commercialism and having the latest gadgets, where people enjoy and value the simpler things in life. Does this even exist anymore?"

I would say Charlotte NC or Bloomington IN would fit the bill.  I've lived in a lot of places and these are the two that stand out, IMO. 

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I love Chatt. My BFF moved there a few years ago so we go often. It fits your wants, a lot!!! Its very crunchy & outdoorsy. Greer local food scene, farmers markets, McKay's books, etc. Lots of hiking & free activities, fairs (local, family oriented). They homeschooled for a couple years there. There was good support, sports, etc. Parts of Chattanooga are very Christian, so if you're not a Believer some coop options may be self restricting from what I understand. I think they do have some huge coops though. I'd say Chattanooga is a great fit for your list!!

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Look into Knoxville as well.  There is a large homeschooling community here, and we go to a large academic co-op, that while Christian run, is very inclusive and friendly.  There are a lot of teens that attend.  We have crafts, farmer's markets, etc. and are very close to NC.  Homeschool social groups are a little tricky to find, but the social life for teens at our co-op is growing quite nicely. We also have a McKay's books, which is a wonderful used book store.  We also have a couple of homeschool curriculum stores here. 

As for the southeast in general, I recommend moving to the larger city areas.  It can be hard to fit in in the smaller rural areas if you weren't born and raised there.  And, I think the materialism thing...it is rampant where ever you go.

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Chattanooga is a really nice city. I wouldn't mind living there.

McKay's books in Chattanooga has honestly the best homeschooling section and the best collection of non-fiction subject textbooks/resource books I've ever seen in a used book store, with a wide range of materials (not just all Abeka or BJU, which is what I've seen more in West TN). And it's simply beautiful.

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Thanks, everyone. I never did get around to re-posting in the General Board because I couldn't cut and paste for some reason and the day was crazy busy. But I appreciate everyone's responses here. I'll look into Knoxville as well. I think I'm going to try to make a trip up there this winter and so I'll make a loop around to see Charlotte, Knoxville and Chattanooga. My mom is right in the middle of the three cities.

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