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Which Geometry is best overall? (opinions wanted)

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My kids are currently using MUS Algebra I and we are planning to use Lial's introductory Algebra when we finish MUS.  We are doing this because we had already started MUS and wanted to finish.  I am concerned with progressing further with MUS due to being weak, but my kids are not math minded kids.  What would you recommend for Geometry choices? 

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Search for the "Geometry Thread of Epic Proportions" in the K-8 board on this site. I can't post a link, but that will give you plenty of food-for-thought.


You can find it most easily by going to Google and searching "Geometry Thread of Epic Proportions" site: forums.welltrainedmind.com

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We used MUS from K through Algebra, then repeated Algebra with Foerster's.  We used Discovering Geometry by Michael Serra after a failed attempt at Jacob's Geometry, which is very popular here, but neither I (with a degree in math) or my son (math-oriented) could figure it out.  You may read my review below.


We used Discovering Geometry by Michael Serra/Key Curriculum Press in 9th grade.



  • Clear and straightforward
  • More hands-on than most geometry programs
  • Teacher text and Solution manual available
  • Algebra review incorporated
  • Prepares well for ACT/SAT



  • Lite on proofs


We used the 3rd edition of DG. ISBNs:
student 1-55953-459-1
teacher 1-55953-460-5
solution 1-55953-586-5


We also purchased an assessment book and patty paper from Key Curriculum Press.  I can no longer find DG at their website however.




Discovering Geometry has moved to Kendall Hunt:



Student Edition sample:



Teacher Edition Sample:



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We started with MUS (Alpha-Pre-A) and found it too light with too little challenge, especially for secondary math.  So we switched to TabletClass which was a huge upgrade and improvement.  We then used AoPS along with TabletClass for Algebra 1.  AoPS is super challenging and not recommended for standard/average math students.  Though it definitely provides great opportunities for strengthening problem solving skills. 

With geometry one of the first aspects to consider is how much you want the course to cover proofs.  Many of the easy Geometry courses are very 'proof light' to make it easier for both student and teacher.  But easier isn't always better when it comes to cognitive development.  Quite a few mathematicians and educators disagree with this watered down approach.  The reason is that it lacks what was once fundamental to mathematical and logical reasoning development during this stage.  If you look at what most private schools and academies use they definitely favor including more proof based Geometry.
There is a good article discussing the current problem here:  The Modern Day High School Geometry Course: A Lesson in Illogic


We selected Wilson Hill Academy this year because I specifically wanted a more proof based Geometry.  They use Jurgenson Geometry which is a highly regarded classical Geometry texts.  The book masterfully weaves proofs throughout the text from the very beginning.  In addition the 'teacher' grades them which is a big plus considering proofs can have more than one correct answer/approach.  ds13 has really been enjoying it:


Wilson Hill Academy Geometry:  http://www.wilsonhillacademy.com/academics/geometry/


If you decide to go 'somewhat' lighter on proofs these are also worth considering:  


Jann in Texas Geometry course:   http://www.myhomeschoolmathclass.com/course-descriptions.html


TabletClass Geometry:  http://www.tabletclass.com/courses/geometry.aspx

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My kids are currently using MUS Algebra I and we are planning to use Lial's introductory Algebra when we finish MUS.  We are doing this because we had already started MUS and wanted to finish.  I am concerned with progressing further with MUS due to being weak, but my kids are not math minded kids.  What would you recommend for Geometry choices? 



Search for the "Geometry Thread of Epic Proportions" in the K-8 board on this site. I can't post a link, but that will give you plenty of food-for-thought.


You can find it most easily by going to Google and searching "Geometry Thread of Epic Proportions" site: forums.welltrainedmind.com


armom and Gil - I have a request for both of  you, please,


Could you add  tags (Geometry and whatever else you like) to the threads you started?


To add tags after posting

The original poster goes to the 1st post

Then go to the lower right corner of the 1st post and click on "edit"

Then under the "Topic Title" is a field for "Topic Tags"

Add the tags there



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A good Geometry course in our homeschool is any one that I don't teach :)


We use Jann in Tx from this board as our math instructor.  She offers online classes here



reasonable rates, cheap textbook, personal tutoring and extra help if needed


SOoo thrilled to have Jann helping my kids with upper level math. 

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